Urban Field

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by sharku249, Jan 11, 2009.


What do you think to Urban Field

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  3. Good

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  4. Awesome

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  1. sharku249

    sharku249 Ancient
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    Urban Field
    Urban Field flows smoothly as you run around a small city like map. There are numerous features that combine to make a fun playable FFA game for 2-4 players.I wanted the map to be aesthetically pleasing and well designed. 3 story pillars tower over small stairs which are interlocked beautifully to maximise smoothness when you are running around. The overall layout of the map will always let you find a good place to take cover but in that cover there will always be a weakness.​

    The map took around 20 hours to make and uses a variety of techniques to create seemless interlocking. There are 4 Br's and 2 carbines as well as a shotgun with limited ammo. Equipment wise there is a Bubble shield and Regenerator along with 3 plasma and 3 frag grenades.​

    Now onto the pictures​

    Overview 1

    Overview 2





    Cool wall thing

    Back view





    Please leave a comment, it will be appreciated.​

    2nd Post*​
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    If I were you I would make a detailed weapon list and change the shotgun's location. That's all.

    The map really does look Urban in a way, the pillars are good and those wall things are nice looking. The game play feels like an Arena type map, but maybe the map might be a little too tight, literally. Good job

    *You forgot to post a link, fix it now or a mod will delete this thread within 24 hours of your post*
  3. EleKtRa

    EleKtRa Ancient
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    I LOVE IT!
    im working on a map like this and I love them.
  4. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    Looks nice, It looks very well forged, but from the pictures it looks very small. It might not be in actual gameplay though. Anyways looks well done to me.
  5. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    This is great! I love indoor maps! There are way too little of them. All the merges look up to snuff whatever that means, and the map looks to be good. I have to wonder though, does it support al gametypes? It looks like it might not. It looks pretty nice and overall I would give it a 4/5. Keep working on it an maybe you can improve in v2. If you make one, I would change weapons, and give maybe a little more cover, but thats about it!

    PS. I like the "cool wall thing"
  6. DeceitfulPillow

    DeceitfulPillow Ancient
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    The maps looks nice, I'll give you that. I haven't played the map yet so I can't tell you much on gameplay. Once I DL, I'll get a game going and then tell you what I think of gameplay.

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    I did a short walk-through, and I was mightily impressed with the layout. Flow seems like it would be varied and somewhat circular, which is good. Seems like it would play ver nicely for 1v1, 2v2 or a 3-4 person FFA.

    There were, however, a couple of things that you can improve upon. Most notably, spawn point placement/orientation. Many of the points you have down are facing a wall no more than a couple feet in front of them. Generally, your player needs to be able to spawn and be moving forward for at least 2 seconds (at the bare minimum) before they run into anything. Spawning facing a wall is very disorienting and ends up confusing players as well as wasting time in a fast paced game. I suggest angling all of your points to face down the hallways/alleys they are in so that a player immediately knows where they are and immediately has a chance to defend himself. The other minor concern was the several breaks I found. I believe it was 9 in total. They are deceiving breaks, but once you see them done its something you won't forget. At all right angle turns (90 degrees) a player and a partner can buddy jump up and over walls of any height. 3 boxes high? no problem at a right angle. Its a very unfortunate glitch in Halo 3, as well as being fairly unknown. I realize that only jerks ever try and break maps in game and that it shoudn't matter if it is in fact breakable, and I wouldn't normally mention something like this.. but I noticed you have over $200 left in your budget (nice job on that btw) and all could be fixed very easily. Basically, just close the right angles at the top so players can't get over the tops of the boxes. Should be really easy.

    Other than those two problems (really only the spawn point one), I think you have a very nice map here. Reminds me of Pegasi Delta's Astroturf, or one of Ivory Snake's earliest featured maps in a way. Good job.
  8. sharku249

    sharku249 Ancient
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    Thanks for the great feedback lightsout, ill definately make a V2 making changes where necessary and ill hope to post it soon.
  9. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    This map looks very good, don't get me wrong (and I will admit that I haven't downloaded it), but that's actually the thing that bothers me. I've been noticing more and more that many people make maps without necessarily having a central concept. They just appear like a bunch of cool-looking structures put together. And it looks okay, but it gets boring. Any time somebody calls one of their structures a "cool wall thing" it turns me away, because it makes me realize that all they did was put in a cool piece of geometry without thinking about how it will fit in the map and what purpose it might serve.
  10. sharku249

    sharku249 Ancient
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    I called it a cool wall thing because I couldn't think of any other name to desbribe it, however in urban field its a major part of the map which allows players to choose to go high or low, high gives you a height advantage but low supplies you with a regen and lets you take cover in the small dip.
  11. providence

    providence Ancient
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    the map looks very well made, the vertical boxes interlocked with each other lookes very nice most people are to lazy to do it but it makes a big difference. the map looks like i flows well i will download it and see for my self the amzing forgeing skills, keep up the good work.

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