So I helped my friends get the Annual achievement, because they all suck at campaign. After about 45 minutes we finally finished it and I got it on my fourth account . So, I clicked the Xbox guide button and on my achievements list, I saw that Lightswitch was misspelled? I had gotten it the week the TU2 came out in doubles, as did my one friend who I did Annual with. Me and him both had Lightswitch misspelled on both the main achievement screen and the bigger description of the achievement. However, the other two guys I did it with, had their spelled properly(One had it locked, the other got it about two weeks ago). And for the record, it was spelled Lightswitc Anyone else have? Will post a pic as soon as I can.
There's a character limit on the place where achievements are so Bungie couldn't fit Lightswitch in. I'm pretty sure that's it.
Yeah that is what it is and it may also the the size of your screen because my friends xbox adjusts text to the size of his screen
Hah! That reminds me of this post. Good 'ol Optimatch Forum I gotta tell ya... Some things were apparently made to be, according to Shishka that is.
Hm, I checked out your posts, I love your amazing reviews on maps. So in depth. Anyway, so I guess it was just a coincidence that the time we got the achievement coincided with the spelling? But, I do have a bigger tv(41 inch) then all of them, and mine displays shortened. Also, its spelled properly on two of my other accounts.
I think mine's spelt properly. I've seen achievements spelt wrong before. The achievement for getting the true ending in Dead Rising, for example; "true" is spelt "ture".
That was incredibly uneeded and abusive. Reported bish! Anyway its spelled right on mine. Is it just you're tv's settings? Maybe thats it.