Re: "FH Standards" Map Database Just PM me with the updated link once you are done, and i will switch them out and put a little "UPDATED version, redownload" thingy there
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database I am not just cleaning it up, Im redesigning it from scratch. That means everything is going to change, not in a dramatic way though. But the whole map concept is going to change, because now I have the knowledge of interlocking.
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database I have a question about conquest. can you put the needler and/or the Sentinel Beam on a conquest map?
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database The needler and sentinel beams were not put in because they are kinda overpowered for combat in a small corridor... feel free to try out different weapons and setups for it, but the way we have it now we felt was good.
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database Umm... if you asking if i check this thread regularly and update it... then the answer to your question would be "yes" ....
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database When are we gonna get the SWAT thing going, that seems to have been taking several months now ....
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database Yeah, AZN has been really lazy about that, I think all he does is play WoW now. (?) Personally I dont think it even needs to be 'fh standardized' ... i mean, its just SWAT. everyone plays it the way they like it, there are a few variations. I really really disagree with the way he wanted to alter the movement and such on it. Maybe we could just decide for ourselves.
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database I'm down with setting it up just like Halo 2's. I'm gonna agree with you Tit.
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database I've setup a SWAT like we had disscussed for the standard, but with a few adjustments so it felt more like the Halo 2 version. I think the only things changed from Halo 2 are that it's 90% move speed, no vehicle usage, vehicles on map, and there's grenades on map and no weapons on map. To get more ammo, you need to kill someone, which is what you'd use the ammo for anyways. It allows for map designers to use vehicles for scenery and place grenades if they choose to. I will be releasing my SWAT map soon when I'm done fixing it up and testing the new version. This variant will be setup for it will also work on Tygard's maps, based on what I know of them, and probably could be good for a standard. I've tested it many times on a couple maps and seems to work well as a gametype.
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database I kinda think we need another In The Shadows map. I think a good concept for one would be sewers or like a water treatment plant or something with a kinda indsutrial feel to it. If u did sewers, you could have 'water' (represented by shield doors) that would have gravlifts that carrried you away with the 'current'. I dunno if this would work but it seemed like an awsome concept when i was thinking about it.
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database Yeah that might be a good idea seeing as there'll be like 6 maps made specifically for it.
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database Yeah, it would be perfect for most 1v1 maps, so it would make sense if it was the standard. Maybe change the time limit so it's unlimited though? Otherwise it maybe necessary to provide the tiebreaker too.
fyi i dont monitor this thread anymore or care so if a mod wants to take it over, re-create it, or edit it as they see fit by all means go ahead and do so
they are a collection of maps that a lot of us play because they are fun and tare made by the community. It also gives an example of what competitive maps should look like.