i did it looked like great fun too : ] unfortunately i had to go out to dinner and wasnt on long enough to play in those games : [
This was incredibly epic, I believe I'm in three of the pictures and I miiiiight be the invisible VIP. Good job on the awesome TGIF.
lol ok you all can enjoy deathtoll's tgif, but now you gots to go to his TDIF which i promise you is just as epic maybe more..... cuz its named after him(i still want my thanks for the idea....=)
Ha! That was me. lol This TGIF was so amazing that the only word to possibly describe it would be copa cabanarific. We had so much fun. Pennyless was awesome trying to fit everyone in one bubble, even if I kept falling off. : ( In Half-Cab there were a little too many people though, which made it pure chaos and no strategy. I was the coordination fail pic too. In the end of that match, The Cheat's and my mongoose got stuck in one of the stupid air lifts due to rocket fail and I tried to steal pink team's mongoose again. Tremor Blast was good, and I participated in two scores (both pics). That's all that I can remember other than how many times we had to redo the group pic to get it right. Squads on Quads was a lot of fun too. The only bad thing about it is that the mongeese people can just get off of their geese to kill. From my count, I was in 14 pictures. With me being clearly discernible in about 9 of them. I need to be in DeathToll's TGIF every time. In fact, check out my location.