Com Tower

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Pegasi, Dec 22, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Okay

    8 vote(s)
  2. Average

    1 vote(s)
  3. Good

    16 vote(s)
  4. Great

    45 vote(s)
  1. Thor

    Thor Ancient
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    Great map. The aesthetics are superb and unlike a large portion of aesthetic maps this one has great game play. Glad to see it was featured and I'm looking forward to playing some more enjoyable Com Tower games.

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    wow very nice glad this got featured! i DLed it from the original post and im still enjoying it! anyway 10/10 and congrats to battyman
  3. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    About time! Well deserved, Batty, well deserved. So thats 3 for him, right?

    Merry Christmas!
    Desert Rat 852
  4. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    very nice, ill DL and see how it plays :)
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Looks like you got off without a single flaming Doog :p. I dunno about playing it wrong, I'd say that it's likely that it just doesn't do it for everyone. I've certainly had games on re-works of territories where this was the case, like Matty's Epicentre, I played a game where some of my friends got nothing from it, found it boring, but I found the same game very intense and fun to play.

    One thing I would say though is about possible tactics and approach to play. Can I ask what tactics the teams were using in each attacker and defender roles? I dunno about the 'right' way to play at all, but when I've played it's worked differently from other re-works of territories in that the defenders really worked the game by splitting up and going for multiple territories at a time. The smaller size of each territory and reduced cover on each from the norm really work with multi-front attack imo, giving attack and resulting defence on multiple fronts and forcing the defenders to divide themselves between Tripods and move between each as necessary. As an attacker it gave a really open feel to attacking the defences, and made moving from territory to territory without necessarily capturing each one a much more viable and enjoyable tactic than in seemingly similar territory games. As a defender it kept me on my toes in a refreshing way, really focusing on using the movement via the Com Tower to get where the action is. The multi-front attack and defence also leads to the crux of such a gameplay style for me, the oh-so important Com Tower territory, if you don't watch your back as a defender and lose that territory then the play style changes completely. You have to leave the Com Tower and fight each territory on foot, ol' skool style. This significant change in gameplay, and resulting special consideration you must give to the Com Tower territory as both attacker and defender, really sell this game for me.

    I don't know for sure though, and it may just be a case of the game not being your thing. If this is the case I'm a little sad tbh, and only wish you could have got the same sense of fun and refreshing gameplay that I did. But to each his own, and you actually downloaded the map and gave detailed, objective, reasoned feedback. The game didn't do anything for you but you kept your opinions objective and didn't lay into the Staff for featuring crap, nor did you discount the opinions of those who had enjoyed it. Regardless of difference of opinion, this is why I <3 your post.
  6. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    I remember this map not getting as much attention as it deserved. Glad to see it got a feature, Avalanche now has a couple amazing maps out. Keep it up: everyone.

    Congrats again Battyman
  7. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Ok I think I get the gist of what you're saying. So it's more about tactics rather than what I'm used to (All-Out war against the opposing team not worrying about teamwork or techniques. I tend to like those games, but yea for some reason this one just didn't do it for me. Looking back at it I think the problem was it was a 2v2 and since it was on Avalanche.....yea probably not a good idea. But I didn't see anywhere what the max/min size of people was supposed to be. I'll check again though to see. If the max/min size of people is way larger than I expected, then I'll try again another time and hopefully I'll get the same enjoyment as you all did.

    And yea I guess I didn't get flamed at all, but I wasn't expecting it too much since I didn't just spaz all over the place saying "Ahh Garbage Map Needz Moar Interlox! .5/5!!!" The only response I received was your very detailed explanation and that was exactly what I asked for so that's why I <3 your post. How you like that turn around? :p But seriously thanks a lot man I think I can finally understand the style of game play this map needs and why I failed at executing it. Another game for me is yet to be played on this map. If anything changes, I'll give another review of how it went. Again thanks a bunch man. Glad we could resolve this in a mature way.

    ~~Doog Nit.
  8. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Alright let me first start off by saying that the Com Tower is probably the most smexy contraption I have ever seen on Avalanche. On the outside. From there, moving on.

    The gameplay works when you have a group of people sticking to the plan and dividing their attention well between the tripods/territories. One major thing I really didnt like about the map was the almost complete lack of combat from a distance of less than 50 yards. The tripods are all spaced a pretty good distance from the respective territories, and it basically devolves into a blast-the-crap-out-of-the-flag-and-hope-nobody-touches-it game (at least every time I've played it). While it's hilarious to splatter some oblivious dude with a Fuel Rod Gun to the dome, it doesn't really provide much entertainment in the long run.

    Also, as things got more hectic, the experience started to degrade. I for one think this game could be GREATLY improved if the lift that pushes you into the Tower was removed, so you could go back and re-grab the grav lift if necessary. The inside of the Tower is nowhere near as beautiful as the outside, including some gaps in the floor, which the grav lifts frequently fell through. This is especially bad when the game really gets going and you pop out of the lift and try to quickly throw your lift and jump up. If that lift touches a wall, 60% of the time its gone (Although once we did get an attacker stuck on the ceiling for a few seconds when the lift landed on his head... XD).

    As a final flaw I found, this game is downright confusing to try to explain to your party and really get them into. I had an easier time getting my frends to figure out Nightfall on Standoff, and that was an epic undertaking. Even after you mostly have it down, there's still just too many little flaws that ruin the experience. Almost every time someone went into the Comm Tower, another teammate was stuck in there because either A. There was no lift when he came in or B. His lift fell through the floor.
    Even without these issues, I have to agree with Doog: this just didn't seem like that fun of a game to me. I love playing games with Halo's more less-used weapons (and coincidentally most hilarious, like the FRG), but this game just failed to entertain anyone in my party. Which saddens me... it looked like so much fun...
  9. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I liked it. We played in a party of eight just before. I didn't get into the tower for like half the game. Then I spawned in it and found the portals. I thought it was very cool. I like when you can find ways into buildings and stuff. Great job. 5/5
  10. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    I appreciate the in depth criticisms of the map, good stuff. First of all, with the weapons, I kept off the long range weapons because I found that the laser and sniper were frustrating on a map like this, where the players all sitting ducks inside a certain area, and where the map in general provides very little cover. But I somewhat anticipated the reaction people would have to the weapon setup, which is why I didn’t completely delete the laser and sniper off of the map. So feel free to add them in if you think the current weapon setup is stale.

    That’s one the great things about playing user created content, unlike what Bungie delivers to you in matchmaking you have the option to change this map however you want. I’m actually a big advocate of that. This is by no means the end all version of this map, I mean, you know how you like to play a map better than I do. If you think the map has potential, keep what you like, discard the rest.

    With actual gameplay, I made the map with the intention of forcing the player to play territories in a different way. If you just go in, guns blazing at the Tripods, you’ll lose, there’s too much of a height advantage. What I want, and Pegasi touched on this, was for the attacking team to manipulate the actions of the defender through deception and movement.

    For example, in one game I played on here I alone went after the com tower while everyone else attacked the tripod territories. I had no intention of taking the thing, I stayed a safe distance away while making my presence known to the defenders. Of course the defenders can’t be sure it’s just me down there, could be a whole team of guys waiting to attack the tower. The perceived threat I had created diverted a good amount of their forces away from actual threats, and by doing this I gave my team a good opening in which to nab some of the other territories.

    Yeah, I’m glad you picked up on this. There’s a reason that I maxed on mongooses and hogs, movement is very important. The whole map is about movement, more so than the actual gunfights. In fact the structures themselves are representative of movement; the idea behind the map is that there’s actually only a single tripod, and the com tower is telling him where to go.
    What I did with the tripods was give the defenders a massive height advantage, but only allow them a single predictable direction from which to attack. You could differentiate by having the defenders closer to the ground, but give them various directions of attack. Like, maybe there could be three ships floating around each territory, the attackers would never know which direction they're about to be attacked from.

    Thanks for all compliments so far, guys, I appreciate it.
  11. Tej0ta

    Tej0ta Ancient
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    I saw this Map Awhile ago Gratz on the Feature
  12. D00dle

    D00dle Ancient
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    the asethesics on this map are just great, im glad to see it featured!
  13. KUBLUH the forger

    Senior Member

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    love the concept and great forging, 5/5 you got my vote
  14. Number 117

    Number 117 Ancient
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    I can't believe this **** got featured. Gameplay was terrible, this was more of an aesthetically pleasing map than anything. There are so many better maps out there.
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    It is not ALWAYS about Gameplay, but its a big factor. Some maps deserve to get featured for the aesthetic qualities, and they do deserve it because it would have taken a helluv a long time.

    This map, when played with the gametype, is a great balance between gameplay and aesthetics that I have not seen in any other map yet.

    Though, this is your opinion and I am only trying to explain why this was featured, I reserve the right for you to not like this map. Though I recomend playing it again - maps seem to grow on you over time ;)
  16. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    There is a pretty strong possibility he didn't even play it. Some people like to judge based on pics and description, or even just a forge-through and pretend they played it when offering feedback. I wouldn't pay attention to him since his primary goal so far at Forgehub has been to be a **** to people with featured maps. Primarily through PM's.
  17. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Wow I was playing this 4v4 with friends, and it was crazy awesome, and the towers amazed them, and they had tons of fun, and we plan to play even more today, that is a great map, and I really like it!
  18. Number 117

    Number 117 Ancient
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    Of course I've ****ing played it. Why the **** would I waste my time typing up that ****ing comment in the first place if I didn't play it? :haha: pwnd!
  19. DeceitfulPillow

    DeceitfulPillow Ancient
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    I dun tink u gun make friends k
  20. MarcLolWatabu

    MarcLolWatabu Ancient
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    since when did forgehub feature only beautiful maps that ****ing suck in-game?

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