what i mean by the title is, how would i go about creating ruins? say a destroyed city block,i want it to A: look good, yet B: look like a piecse of ruined crap, it need to look elegant, yet at the same time repulse someone, it this a possible creation? i built a model of an inside of a ruined build ending with a fenced off garage, it look as if i just piled up every item i had, how can i do this, but yet make it look like i put the time i actually did into it(look good). the map i made almost makes me want to vomit, can anyone help or point me in the right direction? perhaps pictures? or just good advice. eitherway i would apreciatite it.
Geomerge things at angles to make it seem like parts have sunk into the ground or collapsed over time. Interlock walls into some of your boxes partway so that just some of the wall texture sticks out, it gives the boxes a rusty look.