The Hidden Ninjas A Halo 3 Group...Do you want to easily win games?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by OooCheeMama24, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. OooCheeMama24

    OooCheeMama24 Ancient
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    Hey I am The Creator of the New group called the Hidden Ninjas...Our group's strategy is to figure out Hiding Spots in all the TS and doubles maps and use them to win Games in Matchmaking. When in Matchmaking our teams strategy is to get ahead of the other team in kills and then get in our hiding spot and then laugh at the other team while they run around helplessly trying to find us. Our group will be made up of about 5 players who work together to find unknown spots. If you think your good enough for the group and already know of many spots and are also a LEGIT player fill out the application below...

    Group Link: The Hidden Ninjas
  2. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Re: The Hidden Ninjas A Halo 3 Group want to easily win games? Join!

    phail -> Hidden Masters
  3. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Re: The Hidden Ninjas A Halo 3 Group want to easily win games? Join!

    You have already posted a topic on this. Don't post another. One topic is enough.

    Edit: Alright, Orange locked the other one. Thanks Orange.
  4. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Re: The Hidden Ninjas A Halo 3 Group want to easily win games? Join!

    Orange locked the other one, so I guess this is the new one...
  5. Ty

    Ty Guest

    You do realize the quickest way to get a bad LIVE rep is to hide after getting ahead on Halo? It's also probably the most FAIL way to win a match.
  6. Neos Ninja

    Neos Ninja Ancient
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    I am already in a Team.
    It is called Team Ninja. And i am the Leader!
  7. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Dude this is quite possibly the scummiest thing you could pssibly do in MM.
    It involves no skill and sucks all competition out of the game for your unlucky opponents.a doubles team did that to me and a mate on narrows(i havea saved clip)
    Above all it lets the fun out of halo if all you do is hide.
    Enjoy your boredom hiding as your team slowly runs out of knock knock jokes :p
  8. icedemon

    icedemon Ancient
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    i think its a good group because its not all about hiding to get away from theother team, its to ambush them and kill them. also i would never hide for a whole game. thats just stupid.
  9. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    that sounds like hiding the whole match to me :squirrel_rant:
  10. emo asian girl

    emo asian girl Ancient
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    actually i think halo is more fun when you hide the whole game xD

    i LOVE hiding during games XD

    because its boring during a normal game when you run across the level, shoot, die, and then repeat that. real boring.
  11. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Seems like a bunch of cowards rather than a group.
    I woudln't advise getting on the team, you will get a bad rep.
    This doesn't involve skill at all. All you do is hide, that just pretty much pisses everyone off.
  12. OooCheeMama24

    OooCheeMama24 Ancient
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    You do realise that we can only hide once we get the lead...So we acctually do kill the other team a few times...usually we end up beating the other team like 10-5 so pretty much we have an assuring lead
  13. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    dude do you realise how painfully easy it is to get a temporary lead?
    In the doubles game i mentioned they grabbbed the rckets and the shotty while me and teamate grabbed snipers,thinking they were better in a long fight.
    They got 3 kills with  the rockets and one with the shotty while between us we got 2
    They then hid with a two point lead and wasted ten minutes of my teams life

    and btw any attempt to claim any honor back after trying to make a hiding team will be for all intents and purposes the same as the camper in redvsblue yelling out
  14. OooCheeMama24

    OooCheeMama24 Ancient
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    its not cheating...were not jumping out of maps or anything...were just finding things such as ledges that are in tough to reach spots such as our spots on epitaph...all you do is grenade jump up to a ledge and then jump across to a pilar...and all it is is a ledge above 2 walkways...its not our fault you guys are to dump to look 5 feet above after 5 min of running around the map looking in all the same just complain about this group because youve had this done to you before and were to stupid to do anything about it...
  15. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Thats right everyone else in the world is wrong but your right....
    And most of these "hiding" spots are impossible to get to while someone is guarding it
    ie.someone grenade jumps to a ledge
    they then hide
    someone else jumps up to them,while still low on shields form grenade jumping he get pinioned with AR fire from the hider.
    And technically those ledges are in the map for aesthetics and forging not much else and are out of the map.
    We shouldnt have to look outside of the map to play a game for fun :(

    by they way calling people who disagree with you dumb is not a good way to get good feedback :p
    finally id like to see how your opponents feel after hey have been "owned" by your super l337 hiders.
    Somehow i doubt they will applaud you on your awesome "skills" ;S
  16. ljag89l

    ljag89l Ancient
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    hiding = weak....get some skill
  17. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Wow dude, actually calling us "dumb" really does make you look immature and not at all serious about the subject.
    no hiding is not a skill. You can only say you have skill when you actually win fair and square. In battles, you never hide. If you hide, you're a coward. That brings no honor to your team. Bungie didn't make this game just so that people can hide. No, they made it so that everyone can have fun.
  18. Neos Ninja

    Neos Ninja Ancient
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    We are Team Ninja!!! We don't hide the whole game!!! We hide and sneak up on opponents and get ourselves killed!!! And we Usually win! But right now we only consist of 4 members...

    Neos Ninja
    Frozen Ninja X
    Ninja Sniper911

    Note: We are not recruiting yet!
  19. A Vendetta

    A Vendetta Ancient
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    I don't mind hiding tactically as you are describing, but doing it for every match does not sound sufficient or efficient.

    What I find good about this is finding spots to hide in to use tactically, not 1337ly. Therefore I will do this by myself to not be influenced to fail.
  20. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I personelly dont know how someone could have fun hiding...its a freakin shoot em up for gods sake

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