OK guys, the AJ Critique thread is back up, but no fighting this time! In the words of Mod, Creep1ng De4th: I will preface the post with a warning to stay on topic and discuss the reviews rather than ***** about how it is reviewed. Sorry about any hard feelings from last time... not really though. Purpose of the AJ Critique: To point out flaws in maps so that the forger may learn from their mistakes and create better maps in the future. I will not tell you good things about your maps because knowing the screw-ups is far more important. I'm not here to boost anyone's self-esteem. Another, side goal, is to entertain. I try to add a few overly harsh "punch-lines" in there to keep it interesting. Example? (In reply to Remedy) "After playing this made, the perfect Remedy is a bottle of whiskey to dilute the bad taste left in my mouth." Now I actually rated this a 3.45 off 5, which is very good on my scale of harsh proportions. So, no, I didn't really need to wash away the horrid taste, but that line stood out in your mind, no? Why Forgehub Needs the AJ Critique: It is best put some prominent Forge Hub members: The Scale - In terms of playtime: 1 - I didn't enjoy this map at all, ended before reaching the score limit. 2 - I liked this map enough to finish this game, but deleted it soon after. 3 - I enjoyed this map and possibly played a few more games of it. 4 - I keep it on my hard drive and play it anywhere from 2 to 5 times a week. 5 - I love the map, play it all the time and couldn't think of deleting it. The AJ Critique Archives: Irenic by Spartan 396 :: Scale - 2.65 Remedy by Linubidix :: Scale - 3.45 Insulation by LIGHTSOUT225 :: Scale - 2.65 Moon Waffle by Devinish :: Scale - 2.92 Sanghelios by Phreakie :: Scale - 1.875 Vandam Keep by Mace :: Scale - 1.96 Telmson by megathumbs :: Scale - 1.03 Scyphozoan by Krazy Kumquat :: Scale - 2.10 Boxworld by Nan0tek :: Scale - 2.345 Project 1 by C0N741N3D :: Scale - 2.91 Highest Score Ever Received (Update Continuously): 3.45 in Remedy by Linubidix. Want to get an AJ Critique? Leave me a link, but I like to find my victims, or erm... maps, on my own. So don't get your hopes up. Oh, and the reviews so far have been on some of most well-received maps ever put forth. If you can't handle an AJ Critique, stay in player mode. LET'S NOT ARGUE THIS TIME, KTHXBAI!!!
This is a warning to any and all members who view this review thread: Please refrain from flaming the originator of the thread in any way, shape, or form. He, just like you, has the right to review with any technique he see's fit. Unless he makes it a personal attack, which he hasn't yet, I ask that you keep the thread on topic and comment solely on the review itself, not the manner in which it was reviewed. If he happens to offend you in a personal manner then report it, DO NOT spam up the thread with useless flaming and whining. Ok, good talk, see you out there.
You should add some links to your maps. Just a thought. EDIT: Seriously though, I'd like to know who is reviewing me. Anything about yourself we should know?
Thanks for the review, I'm glad to get something more in depth then "4.5/5 cuz I don't like small maps, m0ar 1nt3rl0xz pl0x!" I replied more in depth to your review on my main post Scyphozoan. If you'd like to read it you can, if not then don't.
QFT. I actually found it refreshing that, for once, I got feedback that was more than just "looks like great gameplay and forging, great job 5/5". Your review was much appreciated.
I don't think this would be necroposting but if it is sorry. would you review a map that isn't posted but is done and has been through a lot of testing? I'm trying to make it my best map and submit it to ATLAS for rumble pit.