For anyone who has played the maps Killa KC announced were being considered the most for V6, what do you think MLG’s 11 map/gametype combo should be. If you haven’t played them yet you can find them here. Also consider that Isolation and Boundless have been tested for V6. EDIT: Maps updated by KC and there are 10 left, to get them go to here and follow the link to KC's fileshare My personal opinions (No Particular Order): 1. Guardian Ball 2. Onslaught Flag 3. Pit Slayer 4. Lockdown Slayer 5. Iso Hill 6. Construct Hill 7. Pit Flag 8. Narrows flag 9. Blackout Ball 10. Guardian Slayer 11. Cold Storage Slayer
MLG's official discussion thread here Are you sure that they're sticking to 11 maps? This is just the first round of testing of Foundry maps. After this we could get another set of Foundry variants to play with, or some non-foundry maps. I know many people have variants of Blackout, Cold Storage, Isolation, and some reworkings of the current maps that work well.
they are definitely sticking too 11 here are my 11 slayer: pit amp construct guardian cold storage flag: lockdown pit hill: goliath construct ball: guardian coldstorage
Mine: Slayer: Pit Construct Guardian Amplified Flag: Narrows Onslaught Pit King: Construct The Pit (I don't like it, but when I think about it, it's a great gametype) Ball: Guardian Xyience
I'm surprised you guys would pick Amp, I personally hope it gets replaced. There are plently of good alternatives.
Yes there are plenty of other maps, but I wouldn't say alternatives. Amp is all about teamshot and keeping the other team on spawn. I think it's a great map.
My 11 would have to be: Slayer: The Pit Guardian Amplified Lockdown KoTH: Construct Amplified (I like this more than slayer on it.) Ball: Guardian Blackout Flag: Onslaught [V8] The Pit Lockdown
Mine: Slayer: Pit Construct Guardian Regicide Flag: Narrows Salot's Hybrid Pit King: Construct Triuph Ball: Guardian Lockdown
To many to choose Of course Regicide has to be put in for both ball and slayer (KOTH would be nice too) , to great of a map to let it sit out, but other than that most foundry variants im not to fond of. theyre all wonderfuly forged and play great, but its all 2/4 base area type maps. cold stroage i dont think will make it, plays a bit different than chill out and i never really liked either that much. part of me is hoping for isolation, its a great map but theres some aspects of it that seem non MLG material to me.