Yeah, it's me again, and now I have something to show you that has accumulated my free time while living in China. There is a reason for my epic amounts of free time: boredom. I have nobody to talk to, nothing to do, I have no tv, no xbox, no magazines, I don't even have a bike or any form of free transportation. All I really have is this awesome game: Free Rider 2. I know, I know, it's sad, but I just moved here and I wanna show my epicly long and high quality map. It is very ... epic, as I may have said already, and I hope everybody enjoys. Link: Free Rider 2 Track -- BMX Journey Pics: (yes, it even needs pics) I can't get them just yet, but it's quick access right through that link and it takes like 15 seconds at the most to load. So have fun and I'll let you know that it's 11:40 pm and I posted this just so that everyone in the US can wake up to find an epic amazing little thread that holds the best map ever made with free rider. RATE 10!!! Oh, and the ending has to be the best part of the whole thing. AND if you're wondering how to use the checkpoint thing, then just message me, cuz I don't wanna give it away.
well, I haven't been to school yet, and I just moved here so I don't know anybody and i don't really have anything except the internet and a book or two to keep me entertained... so i guess it should get better, if anything.
Dude, China would suck. White girls are way better in my opinion. They're way easier to score, and better looking. And no xbox? Gay. Well, if I was in your position, I'd go get some Chinese food, the go find some babes to hit on. Or just look at from a distance. Asian chicks actually speaking Chinese is really creepy, especially when they're hot.
Seriously. Shut the **** up already. You do not sound 'cooler' than everyone else if all you talk about is getting girls. It makes you sound like a promiscuous teenage adolescent.
PWNED! Yeah if i was in your position i would just wonder around the city .. Eat food, make friends I would think the towns in China are epic
China is not one big giant sex **** waiting to happen. Just by posting this, you've secured your place as 'annoying kid who does nothing but talk about sex but in truth doesn't get any'. Do you think you're bigger than us by saying that? We're not all geek virgins on the other end, you know. There's no point saying something like that if you think it'll make us jealous or something.
kinda what I was thinkin' see I wanna making friends, it's just that there aren't many english speaking kids my age. it kinda sucks cuz when u look at that halo 3 world map with all the little dots of people online, u don't really see many Chinese people playing h3. So idk if they are into some other game or another system, but they don't seem to like h3...
You're late by about 14 hours. In general, people in Asia don't like the Xbox too much. My friends who live in Korea, for an example, all have the PS3. No Xbox. It's not that it's banned there, it's just not that popular.
I don't think I'm bigger, I just like talking about girls. And meet me in real life and take a look at my life, then try saying I never get sex.
I've never heard that, I don't think. And I don't need to prove anything to y'all by posting pictures of myself on the web. Believe me or not, I don't really care. I also accidentally threw my camera out the window on the highway trying to get a picture of this tight lambo coming up beside us. And fat people are disgusting, no offense to any fat people here on this site.
Epic Fish Fingers, although your point seems valid, STOP FLAMING and Texn, you truly are annoying and seem to fall under the category EFE refers to...why? because you write ridiculous posts/threads that only refer to women, honestly its a bit covetous and definitely trivial, its a gaming website, not a place for you to express your fetishes and oogle people you'll never meet. and so, this has turned into a flame thread. LOCKED. OP, I'm sorry, but it was necessary, make another if you wish, but this is DEAD.