Been a bit since my last screenshots, and here are some I did today, please I would like some comments, reviews, and criticism. I kinda use the same style for all of mine so I really wanna break away from that so any help would be great thanks! P.S As you can tell I have very uncreative names for them. Hunter Style Tropical Twist Blowout Tundra Cherry Red Icy Cold
Lol thanks, for all of these basically are very simple, on Ghost Town in forge, go to that back room where there's like those pipes, (back near the overshield,) and put on the effect Juicy. Then just throw a couple of flares in that room and strike a pose. All but the first one, for that I went to the same room with the effect Pen and Ink on. Then I just put on an overshield and fired a Fuel Rod gun. Hope that explains it.