Map Title: Jurassic Park *Stomp* *Crash* What was that noise...? Download Map Download Gametype Description: After playing several 28 days later-style infection games with my friends, it occurred to me that it's really not fun for the zombies. Their speed counts for nothing when players just camp. I decided to make a game variant that would discourage cheating, but remain fun for both sides, human and zombie. Taking my inspiration from the story-driven infection variants, I chose to model my game type and map after Jurassic Park. The players start out on a beach, with various debris from a plane crash scattered about. The humans have managed to set up something resembling a camp using supplies from the plane crash. They also have a few rescue flares that they can use. One of the main "tour" jeeps is on the beach, awaiting visitors to a park that will never receive them. There are also two maintenance vehicles. The alpha zombie, a t-rex, starts his life in a blocked-up box. The feeble boards easily give way under the tyrannosaurus' might. He is free! The box is places on the opposite side of the wall from the humans. The t-rex is slow, giving the humans time to figure out a strategy. The humans can either scavenge for more powerful weapons, jump in a vehicle and go exploring, or go it alone and try to stay out of sight. The workers on the island met an unknown, but presumably grisly, fate. Around the compound are clues to their demise. Overturned forklifts, half-empty weapons, and malfunctioning generators hint at something breaking loose...and taking an extreme dislike to the island's occupants. One room has been barricaded, but has been broken into. Humans can try to do better than the room's previous occupants, or grab the weapons it contains and get out. There are weapons scattered around the island, mostly SMGs and other light armaments. There is also another room which will become barricaded after the start of the match. It has heavier weaponry, but only one entrance and exit. Your best bet for surviving is to stick together. Its possible to kill the t-rex on your own, but most attempts to single-handedly take him down end in failure. The t-rex has a gravity hammer and a plasma sword at his disposal, representing his enormous figure and his fearsome teeth, respectively. He has a huge damage resistance, and 4 overshields, but a very slow heal rate, and 50% speed. He punished campers. The raptors, the subsequent infected, have both swords and plasma pistols, representing their pointy parts and their spit. The raptors have Poor Camo, which can be seen through, but only if you are paying attention. The raptors are speedy, but can be taken down within a few shots. They punish those who are not paying attention, or those who attempt to run off on their own. Based on my previous "testing" with friends, my attempt to eliminate camping but keep a satisfying game mode was successful. I am releasing it to the broader audience of the internet to better gauge my success, and, if possible, improve upon what I feel is an already solid map and gametype. In its current form, it is impossible for the humans to win. There is no time limit-the humans are trapped on the island, with no escape awaiting them, only an ignoble and inescapable death from a dinosaur's jaws. If this is too bleak a fate for you, feel free to edit the game variant to include a time limit, to symbolize rescue.
I like how you did this... It looks as if you actually took time and thought it out. But one suggestion move the vehicles they look dumb in there original spots. 4.34/5 ( yeah I made that up lol)
nice map really good map it seems to have that magic touch that brings the whole game along. it would be nice to see a v2 but on avalanche or something.the sides are good with fair play and it looks like mlg weapon set up 9.25/10 just because i dont like last resort to much, but your map is still good
Looks cool, but the vehicles like Game Guru said look kinda dumb, maybe you can scatter them more and over turn 1. I like the idea of scavenging for weapons useing the vehicles. Too bad Last Restort does't have much to build with
It sounds like fat kid but with a different name and slightly different weapons. However, the fact that theres little camping makes it seem like it would be somewhat more enjoyable and fun. I'll DL and try it out.
yah looks cool. maybe try on other map though. also, overturn the vehicles and scatter around beach to make it look like they were washed up or something. 4.5/5
Definitely looks fun, q'ed for download. Though just thought I'd point out: Is slightly inaccurate, it was actually the dilophosaurus that spit venom in the movies. ^^;
this is a nice map and is preety much original and it is more fun on both sides and most zombie maps are preety much crap for zombies and no fun but this map is differant Good work! 4.5/4.6 (lol)
I give you props for making it on last resort I havent seen a map on last resort in a while.I also love the layout of the map and that you almost eliminated camping,but I still think you can improve on some things.