It took about 35 hours to make it becuase i had a way differnent layout and i made that layout.But if i had this layout mybe 20 hours. But i have new verson called Meltdown 2.What i did was take out the explosion in the beginning,But if you want the new verson click here Meltdown 2
This map is very well interlocked and like most race maps that are good you can ride around them and like never get bored lol. Although it was short it was fun and you get alot of speed on it. I'll say 4/5
Thats alot of work man and trust me I know what you mean. Well it seems the work was worth it congrats.
I love this map! I downloaded it, and it's so much fun! Whenever I don't feel like playing MM I play this and quasar. Great map, 5/5!
i think that your map is the neatest and best forged but i dont think that yours is the best. i like how its on avalanche though.
Nice I downloaded from bungie faves a couple weeks ago. The track overall is smooth and fun to play. Even the non-interlocked pieces are perfect. I love it 10/10!!!
i like it i think it could be fun with battle snipes or battle lasers but it looks very neat and looks very fun and in other words i think i will give it 5/5 probably my second or third favorite race track.