
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeGod117, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    PicturePro.inc is an orginazation where I will offer my services to you by making pictures for your map thread look perfect. In order to do this I will go in photoshop and detail the pictures. Some details that I can do include professional lighting effects that point out key points of interest in the map. For instance, If a forger wanted to draw attention to the sniper tower I could make the guns flash light up the room in unbelivable detail. On outdoor maps I can also light up spartans so that they look like the sun is shining on the armor.
    Simple effects like making an outdoor map look like night and adding some lightning can actually make your map post go a long way. You see you can have the best description in the world and nobody downloads because your pictures look bad or poorly lighted. This is where PicturePro comes in. You send us your pictures and we will light them to your preferences or watever way we think catches the eye.

    Right now, we are in the very early stages and do not have much infastructure so starting after christmas I will start editing the pictures. Until then feel free to send me a private message with the pictures, and post saying the map name and any preferences that you want. We really want your feedback so when I send you the picture give it one or two days and then come back here and edit your post giving any feedback or suggestions on future pictures.

    anybody can apply to this orginazation, just follow the following application form. You must meet all of the requirments stated in the application so that we can avoid any traniees that have no expirence whatsoever joining and posting crap!

    PicturePerfect.inc will have its own member ranks to organize people by what they contribute, how many succesfull projects they have completed and for picture of the months. (Picture of the months check out post below.) The member ranks section lacks a basic infastructure right now but be assured as people start to join it will become more organized.



    Loyal members






    As time moves on the section for current and completed maps will become bigger but I will have to tackle projects by myself for now. Here is how it works. If any member sees a map that needs pictures in a thread edited on the waiting list they can speak up on the thread. What you do is quote the comment stating the map that needs editing and give a comment like "I will help edit waterfront V4" Then I will send the person who made that map a Private message saying that so and so is going to help you edit the maps pictures. Then I will send them the pictures and they will edit them and send them back to the forger. Belive me it is not as complicated as it sounds.

    Okay, if you have read all the way down here then I hope you are interested in applying or just sending me pictures to edit. Please comment feedback or suggestions as they are greatly apriciated.

    Different effects
    Group Screenshots- If you want to take a group picture of all the people that helped test, forge, or just helped out in some way. But it is more than 16 people then take a picture of 16 people and send me that one as well as the picture with the rest of the helpers and i will render and photoshop the players into one picture. Then I will edit like normal
    Banners- A banner is like a hand drawn title that displays the name of your map in a cool way. Check out Remedy by Linu for an example of a banner. Also i can display words like description or weapons in a banner too. Thanks to Kilamanjara14 for the tip!

    Picture of the months

    Picture of the months are pictures edited by members of any rank that stand out from the rest. POTM's usually will follow all the guidlines given by the forger and exceed their standards. They will have perfect lighting and will look very good on the map post. Members who recive two of these will be granted PicturePro status and will be recognized here for their picture editing skill.

    Starts in January.

    Example Pictures
    Here is an example banner that I have made for my new map Pipewerks. I can help people make propaganda for their maps if they would like.
    #1 ForgeGod117, Dec 21, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2008
  2. Soup & More

    Soup & More Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interesting idea, but what you should focus on is nicely resizing the images and giving them a border.
  3. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Don't worry, I will get them the absolute perfect size, Maybe a border, depends on how The person wants the picture to look.
  4. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    Like in linubidix's map remedy, his different sections have a cool kind of thing to it where the words are inside a box with cool effects. His download link is in a picture as well which I have no idea how the hell to do... Also something you could do is how the word REMEDY is in a big blue box with awesome effects. If you could do this you would be my best friend :p. Here is the link to it to help you out with what I am saying. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/47267-remedy.html
  5. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know what you are talking about, I am thinking of doing somthing like this for my thread. It is called a banner.
  6. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya, that's what it is called. You should let people ask for this if they want it. Also one more thing, do you know how to make it so whenever you click a picture it makes you go to the forum? I can not figure it out, so if you can get the [BB] code, please send it to me in private message.
  7. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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  8. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I have done pjboyforgestyles Birds Nest request and I think that it turned out nicely. Also I would like to state that this is mostly for action pictures over just forge pictures. If it is on foundry there is not really much i can do except adjust lighting and colors. But with action pics. That is where I start to work my magic.
  9. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Would you make a banner for my map eventually? Not now but I will need one shortly.
  10. Soup & More

    Soup & More Ancient
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    lol, in the thread for Bird's Nest, the only one (I know oF) that you've done so far, all the comments are like, "You should get the hi-res screenshot" and "Never add a blur effect to the screenshots, because you can't see ****." Here's teh link: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/50378-birds-nest_.html

    Sorry, forgegod, but I had to show it. You need to improve, enhance the screenshots, not f*ck 'em up beyond recognition
  11. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I didn't do that. He didn't know how to copy and paste. Also he got the good ones and never put them up. Clearly they aren't mine Obviously.
  12. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Could you make panoramas if I gave you the pictures for it?
  13. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    I would like to apply for you group:
    Age: 13 years old, I consider myself pretty mature, I have a history of lengthy post on this site and I take things seriously.
    Experience: I sadly don't have any experience in changing the effects of pictures, but I have taken some pretty good ones in my opinion, done pictures for my map Pinned Down, The Great Arch, and my collaboration with halo kid 024 in which I also took the pictures, Bejeweled.
    Availability: I am available most of the week after 3PM EST, and will most likely be on XBL, my GT is Amer1can f0od.
    Dedication: I consider myself to be very dedicated to a cause, unless I am treated unfairly or have to leave for an unexpected reason. As I stated earlier I have lengthy posts in which I usually go into deep detail about the map and what could help it, and I almost always forge over it first.

    Anyway, If you didn't read that I was just saying I have no experience but I am willing to learn, I'm a good person, and I would help you any way I can.
  14. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    YUP I sure can!!! :)

    Someone who wants to learn. that is great. You will be accepted and start out at regular. As experience improves you will be promoted.

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