Alright so I'll try and lay it down as best I can. I don't know if you guys have ever come across this, I've looked in some of your guys' maps and I haven't seen it so maybe its just me. But anyway, I seem to be having an issue with some of my boxes fighting over who gets to be seen on the top when they're interlocked into a flat surface. Can anyone enlighten me as to what my problem is? Or maybe show me what the problem is? I can link a vid if necessary, it would just take me a few minutes. Someone please tell me I'm not just crazy!
It should only happen the first time you interlock, maybe the second. Pick it up and interlock it again and it should be fine.
Thanks man, I just tried it out and it works. I'm not really that far on my map, but it was really starting to bug me and I was worried that it would screw somthing up if I tried to fix it later. Thanks a lot man!
This means that the two boxes are so perfectly interlocked that the geometry can't decide which is on top. If you have done this. Good job.
Seriously? Not yankin my chain? Sweet. I like to hear when I'm actually doing things the right way the first time around. And this is my first real attempt at forging, its just taking time cause I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I'm not getting my angles right. I could actually show you guys what the lower half is supposed to look like, but thats not on the version I'm on now, thats pre-geomerging. I use it as a guide to remind me of what goes where
Yeah, shimmering/flickering is actually a good thing if you think about it.. However it is usually viewed as a negative feature. As it looks pretty ugly and probably causes lag. In ATLAS (a group on bungie made by Shishka where users can submit their own maps and if the maps are good enough.. they get released into matchmaking.) Bungie said that maps which have any of this flickering/shimmering will be rejected. So it must be bad in some way.
It is horrible to look at. Even if it is not flickering, and it is still, there can be a slanted line across the interlock. However, it is simple to fix.
This is actually the main reason why I wanted to fix it. I want to submit it to Atlas after I'm done. I know, its a fairly lofty goal for a first map but hey gotta shoot for something high right? Seriously tho guys, I really do appreciate the help and insight on this
oh thanks for the ansers, the map i am working on is going along much better now (i never thought of doing it twice)