The Enlightenment Session THE ENLIGHTENMENT SESSION Comment on any you'd like, and tell me if they're good or lamesauce. Enlightenment Download link here Recharge Download link here Meditation Download link here Teleport Download link here Takin Aim Download link here Dreamy Download link here Fight or Flight Download link here I forged the whole bird, and am planning to release a map with it as a feature. Also the image is my desktop background, on my laptop. Meteor Shower Download link here A Fighter... Download link here EDIT: I have fixed ALL but Meteor Shower and Enlightenment with new Photobucket links! I wanna thank xkevlar and all the ppl who supported me when i wanted to go into Matchmaking, my brother for loggin off so i can take pics, and Logik, my clan leader, for lettin me take a break from the clan for a while so i can work on these! and YOU, for viewing my pics! kthnxbai!
OMG! These pictures are amazing! How did u do the Dreamy one? Can u post the answer on my profile please. kthnxbai
Holy dink Dreamy is ****in sick!! (Excuse my language.) Thats so awesome looks just i can't even say it, and also I love meteor shower I'm going to download both. Awesome job specially on those two.
Okay here's some criticism, on A Fighter... and Enlightenment I don't like how the face is like too bright that you really can't see it, not that bad in the first one but it is on the last one, this really turns me off for a pic, it takes away from the actual screenshot itself. Also, Takin Aim I really love this effect makes the character stand out, and I love how the scope is right up against his visor adds a sense of realism to the pic. That's really all I have to say great job on all of these though really came out good, 4.5/5! And also saw your Recharged screenshot and loved it!
I appreciate the constructive criticism...the helmet problem was an issue because Mark V is a requirement for my clan.but i tried my best to reduce that glare. and again, sorry for the other threads...but now the rest of my sessions will not be one one pic at a time. EDIT: should i edit the other two in here? EDIT2: nvm...just did.
Anytime and yes you should. One thing I notice happens in my screenshots is that once you take them end theatre and go look at them is that they are brighter then they were when I took them so this may or may not help but try taking the screenshot when it's a little less brighter, then it should come out to the brightness that you want it to. Hope that makes sense you'll have to excuse me I'm a tad sick.
Oh, i am VERY aware of that issue. i've explained that to many a person who've asked about my pics. some just dont understand that it's actually a lighting glitch on blackout only. mostly the filters Pen n Ink, Juicy(Dreamy pic!), and Nova are problems when takin screenshots. i wanted the brightness levels in all of my pics, and im happy that another person has input to my creations.
Wait it's a lighting glitch? Oh wow I didn't know that, thanks for letting me know, and yea I'm glad to give my output on pics, and by the way how do you do that Dreamy pic?
look @ TheKeebobBobagawa's profile (1st post here). i posted it there. And honestly, i thought there would be more questions about Fight or Flight or Enlightenment. interesting...
ON A MAC? Dayum!!! again thnx for the commeents, and the Dreamy pic is easy... I took 3 Large shield doors, on Blackout, Juicy FX. One was placed normal, the others were crossed to make a sort of squashed asterisk sign. then i posed a simple Spartan against it.
OMG WTF BBQ dude dreamy and meteor shower are amazing please pm me on how to do those effects! i have no criticism for those two pictures but the other ones is the lighting but that is uncontrollable as i know about the lighting glitch on blackout and its a real ***** lol so i guess its all good. and again PLEASE pm me on how to do the effect in the dreamy and meteor shower picture
Those are some really nice screenshots, you seem to know how to make a quality shot. The effects and lighting are really good and every screenshot is amazing. Very nice shot.
THese are all excellent screenshots. I'm glad i took a look. Meteor shower is my fav and will be in the runnings for my laptop background... although the girls will be hard to beat
I hope my Meteor Showe has a chance against your Angelina Jolie that sounded like yugioh cards or sumthin... Still, thanks for having my screenshot in your consideration.