Just a quick abstract piece I whipped up for a contest on a different site... The theme of the contest is 'circles'.
Pretty nice. As well as very different. The only thing I would complain about is that it looks rather dull for all the colors that are added. maybe add a little shine to it? I donno. Still is rather good though.
I'm loving it. Honestly, I'm struggling to stop looking at it. Draws focus, colours are great, I really like how it's not overcontrasted, good luck in the contest.
I didn't want to make it over contrasted, which is what happened every time I tried to add some 'shine' to it, so I just left it like this. Lol, I know what you mean. It sort of just draws you in.
That is pretty damn sexy whispy. I like how you split the sig. up into four areas... or what seems like it anyways.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I did. I just duplicated it, set the layer to 'Difference' and moved it around until it looked hot
looks great, but just watch your composition, whisper. my favourite ive seen on forgehub in a while, actually.
I'm liking this. Your latest tags seem to have dropped in skill from your earlier ones dude, but this one makes me think otherwise.
Yeah, instead of making one signature a day like I used to, I'm down to like one a month. That's pretty much the reason.
The only thing I really would have done differently is crop out one pixel from the top. And maybe do something to make the transition at the bottom left a little less choppy. But overall, very good signature.