
Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by HezbollaHector, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Amethyst is the product of much patience and over a month of forging. It is a 2 base map but is very different from any 2 base map before it, the base placement and designs first come to mind. It was forged primarily for CTF and MLG TS but it also supports KOTH and ball. Bomb may be added in a future update if the demand is high.

    The map consists of two 3 floor main bases along with a yellow base along the opposite wall and a small sub base area between blue and red base. The middle has a plasma pistol on top of the raised up double box set to seconds respawn time.

    Each base has a little connected structure to its side made of walls which is where the flag spawns. The flag return is on the second floor of the actual base.

    Weapons on the map are:
    BR: 10 on map; 10 second respawn; 2 extra clips
    Carb: 2 on map; 90 second respawn; 2 extra clips
    Plasma Pistol:1 on map; 120 second respawn
    Frag: 4 on map; 30 second respawn
    Plasma: 4 on map; 30 second respawn

    Download Amethyst

    Now for the pics!


    Red base (Symmetrical)



    In between bases

    Yellow corner

    Inside base

    Special thanks to:
    Adelyss- a few merges and some ideas
    Zonked- ideas for the base extensions
    goatnuttz420- testing
    onelaststrike- testing
    HLG1inchWARRIOR- testing
    PucKett3R- testing
    halo kid 024- testing
    L3roy J3nkin5- testing
    qI Mistaken ip- testing
    Duderdas- testing

    If you like this map then look for my asymmetrical objective based matchmaking map in the future. It will be released soon.

    I am also currently looking for a forging buddy who specializes in mlg maps, if your very knowledgeable about what goes into making an mlg map and can geomerge very well then you fit the job. PM me in interested!

    Download Amethyst
    #1 HezbollaHector, Jan 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2009
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So, may we see and play this product of patience?

    Edit: I see.

    And tabbing doesn't do indent. [noparse]

    [/noparse] does.

    Just hurry up and fix it, shouldn't take too long.
  3. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah. Don't worry about it. We see that you've made an honest mistake, and that's okay. Just use the edit feature and bring your original post up to speed.
  4. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    map posted and broken link fixed!
    #4 HezbollaHector, Jan 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2009
  5. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ive seen a design like and not like this looks very good
    on the ground i would say add more cover
    other then that it looks great
  6. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks, but im a little confused about your post, could you rephrase that?

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yo dude, usually signs are to indicate what side your on, and putting an a and b sign on each base doesn't do u any good. and those corner walls would look much prettier if they were even, even though u were trying to go for that design u made
  8. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
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    Wow! Dood really this map looks great!
    Just one thing is that it seems really open in areas
    It does look like an MLG map except for the bases...they are to closed off in my opinion...but i do have to tell you that middle structure *gasps* is frickin amazing!
    The bases do look like they would be for CTF but open them up a little and shove some of those boxes in the ground where it is open :D
    I have to give it a 4/5....Its great but to get a 5 i think that the bases need a little opening and the empty spaces need filling in....Great job!
    I don't know if i can say this but i would help you if you wanted it...just because i know that this map has a LOT of potential...if you do want me to help just message gamertag is my name on here.
    Once again great job!
  9. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    Nice map, very symmetrical this map is very good it has that mlg fealing and set up which i like alot , you included geomerging and interlocking . Which is a pretty good touch kepp forging 9/10
  10. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    The signs are fine the way they are. Onslaught is the only map that follows that format. The other MLG Foundry map, Amplified uses A and B signs on the same side because it relies on the powerups as landmarks. Blue base, Red base, Yellow/Gold and Purple/Pink.

    IVY SNAKE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this map reminds me of MlG Amp.I love the layout of the map and how you made the bases much diffrent for a change it looks like it has perfect interlocking only problem I could find is the middle maybe you could put some kind of interlocking in it otherwise the map is great!
  12. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    The only resembelance i can see to amp is the corner wall thing, and it isnt even an exact copy of that cover from amp, theyre gonna be gone soon anyways and replaced with bridge pillars anyways though. To comment on th interlocking, are you high or what dude? The middle is completely interlocked and the jump up boxes are geod.

    I didnt use sign indicators since i have signs on three different parts of the map: the two main bases AND yellow so sign callouts would be messed up. All you have to say for top base is either "red 3" or "blue 3" and yellow is simply "yellow"

    The bases are my favorite part of the map, they were built to be different from most other mlg maps. Bases on more recent mlg maps such as this have different designs for bases as opposed to the classic amp or ons bases. Some maps such as regicide by fritzster and expanse by the epic ciabatta dont even have bases at all. Also if we look at beaver creek and battle creek from halo 1 and halo 2 they have inclosed bases and guess what? They were some of the most popular mlg maps of their time so yes i know my bases are different from most mlg 2 base maps but thats what i was aiming for and they fit the map perfectly.

    Thanks for the constructive criticism guys!
  13. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I like what you did with this map, using the back corners in an MLG map. However, the other corners of the map are really unused, even with Yellow Base right in between them. This map does look good for Team based games, mainly CTF by the looks of it. Good job straying from the usual MLG layout.
  14. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The corners by yellow and possibly the middle will be redesigned and less simple. I have some people on mlgpro giving me suggestions but i have yet to try them in forge. Expect a new version in a little over a week. :)
  15. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Only thing I see wrong is in the second to last picture where the 2 wall corners are interlocked in the ground.They're kinda messed up, but overall still a great map. 4.5/5
  16. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Now, I look at this more, the middle is just like Amplified, did you make it, or build off from it?
  17. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks really good i'll dl and test with my friends i love MLG maps they make lanning at mi casa so much more fun.
  18. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks very interesting and seems like you put a lot of time into making it look clean. Well done. You got mah download. ^_^

    4.5 out of 5 stars (untested)

    ? out of 5 stars (tested)

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