Pac-Man Created by Uncle TyIer and Crispydevl UPDATE: I played this map with 10 people and it was chaos so I remade it into a 2.0 with additions that greatly improved play. 1. Made Ghosts way slower 2. Made Pacman choice random after death (It lead to train of following and killing otherwise) 3. Made more Spawn points (People spawned out of map) 4. There was another way to get out of map, fixed it. 5. Fixed way out of map by jumping on ledges. 6. Made Pacman white when energized, makes it easier to tell when they are and aren't. NEW LINKS Gametype: Map: DESCRIPTION: Yes there have been other Pacman games before, but this one is better than all of the others combined, the area where the ghosts spawn is higher elevation so that the Pacman may not go into there. There are Four Flashing Energizers which give Pacman the ability to kill, and makes him invulnerable. Without the energizers however, Pacman is doomed and does no damage. The Flashing Energizers are at a height so only Pacman can reach them, since Pacman (the Juggernaut) has 100% jump but the Ghosts have 200%. There also are two working teleporters on both sides. The map also is impossible to get out of, it has been perfected. When Pacman is killed, the killer is now Pacman, this makes the gametype very long lasting and fun. **Added in Update** In order for points to be made for Pacman, he must run away from the ghosts and pick up energizers (go to points) and pick up flashing Energizers along the way. Pacman DOES NOT earn points for killing when in energized mode, tha SCREEN SHOTS: Energized Pacman chasing ghosts Pacman jumping for Flashing Energizer Ghost spawn Overview of map MADE BY UNCLE TYIER AND CRISPYDEVL 1-11-09 Enjoy. Sidenote: When you play, suggest to your friends in your party to change colors to Pacman colors ( Red, Pink, Blue, Orange)
Looks like good old fashion fun because fun maps don't need to look good. Nothing overly complicated. No honor rules. But, you do know that you can crouch-jump on the little ledge around foundry, right? I don't think it will spoil the gameplay but just something to note.
What the railing? I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get up there on this map. If your talking about the little fence wall in front of ghost spawn that used to be a way out but I deleted it.
the ledge under the 01 in your second picture. If you jump and then crouch you can jump off of the ledge.
this has been done before and better plus your pics arnt working edit: i did try it and i prefer the older version, although i like the way your game works as oppose to the older versions using juggernaut instead of zombies, it would work better if you could have more than one juggernaut tho
This is far different than the last versions. Play it before you say anything. BTW, the pictures were down for a sec before you made that post and they are up now.
omg why,why! didnt i think of this!!! its a backwards version of phesant hunt. genious!!! ive got to try this out, and using jaggurnaut to play, im going to try this definatly. 4/5 (or at least until i play it.)
Yep just fixed it along with alot of other stuff, download it and tell me if you can find any other way to get out.
Just to let you know the pics aren't working again, it might just be me but they went down before. Also sounds like a fun map, I might DL it when the screens come back up
Screens up for me, they were down before but I got them back up. You in IE? I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I'm in Firefox and its fine.
You cannot copy and paste images directly from Go here to learn how to embed your pictures in a thread:
Haha that guide is so much more complicated than it needs to be But thanks for telling me, I'll fix that right now.