Well despite my trouble getting my party started, I’d say that we all had a great time at my TGIF. As can be expected from any big party, there was some lag, but I think we all had fun anyway. The beginning started with MLG and A few mongoose games, including Tremor Blast, which I completely dominated and then everyone in my party lagged out. So I got a few people back in and we started play a few race tracks. After Agamer, eguitarplaya33 and Xanon joined, I couldn’t keep people out. Then we also got a few more competitive games and then we ended with a couple of epic sniper battles on Gridlocked and Metro. Overall I’d say my TGIF was great, I had a lot of nice mature guys, we all had a ton of fun, and I thoroughly enjoyed hosting. If you got some pics post them and ill put them in the op
I was way too lazy to make a recap thread or take any pictures of my party this weekend. But, we did have a lot of fun despite the lack of pictures or recap thread. I'm glad that your party went well SharpShooter. Next time I don't suggest taking your pictures with your capture card. Due to the fact it's not high quality photos/pictures. Maybe next time you will be able to host if we don't get enough host next time. (We're probably going to have to ask again for the community members to host if something don't happen soon). I actually had to start my party an hour earlier thanks to HaloStriker214 bringing his left over party into my game (Against my will). So, with a full party right out of the starting block I then went straight into Mini-Games. Since HaloStriker made me start my party earlier then expected I ended my party earlier since I started getting bored with only a few people left within my party despite me inviting people. So, Sharp I hope you don't mind but I think I'm going to Hijack this thread and make this my recap thread. lol. V Sum-what of a recap below. V Like I said above I started my party early and went into playing Mini-Games. I first started by playing 'Shotty's in a can'. Which I then lead my party into some community made infection maps along the way. After all the Infection maps has been played (Bad ones being tossed out) I went back into Mini-Games. Once I was down to my last Mini-Game I dis-banded my party and that was the end of another successful TGIF. I am also happy to say that there was no lag in my party throughout the TGIF. I had a great time hosting once again with no problems except for some minor Mini-Game rule breakers that was dealt with accordingly. Also, thanks to Ivory Snake for joining and being my Spur of the moment Co-Host for the party; Even through it was against his will. /Hijack.
about my pics... my fileshare was banned so no pics for me. I'll see what can do but no promises. and btw Hijack FTW