I have to disagree with you there. Just because no one likes you D) that doesn't mean that other people don't have hundreds of friends. But seriously, there at least 300 people who have XBL that I talk to daily. It would be nice to add them. Lol, and maybe you can stop 'randomly' deleting me if you get more slots
Personally I keep my list full to stop spam friend requests... I guess I would just fill it up with more FH people.
Yeah same my friends list is filled with My local real life friends then my first xbox live friends and a mix of specialty people from a mix of different games. I would like like 50 more spaces for forge hub friends.
Well, I have 100 friends and I have taken so many people off my friends list is like 95% active. When I come on Friday through Sunday I am bound to have at least 45 people on. During the weekdays it is like 25 to 45 friends online. I have a second gamertag so I can have additional friends and it works just fine. I didn't pay anything for it because it was free.(The three free one months on your xbox) You know what the gamertag is? -SecondGtag- lol
I don't suffer from FH spam FRs anymore ... so OH SNAP MORE FRIENDS!!! Lol... more AC pros and FH oldies can go on my FL...
I don't have my friends list even halfway full, and can't imagine anyone who knows 100 people in real life. BUT I can imagine if someone had more time on their hands, they could easily network with over 100 people. I don't mind if they increase the limit, it will fix one issue that many people have gotten angry with since the first 360 came out. However they also need to realize that there are several technical issues that need fixing, such as the aforemented freeze start glitch. Additionally, there are a few things they could do to spruce up the friends list, but I'm not getting into that.
When I first joined my friends list was composed of everyone I knew at school. I had 90 friends on xbl just guys from school. And 10 were xbl friends. Now for me I have like the opposite. Because everyone at my school plays retarted games and they suck at every thing they play and they think they are good.
i would really like them to spend more money on fixing the bugs on xbl, especially lag. once they fix everything else, then they can turn their attention to firends. when you think about it, you only need a few friends for each game you have. unless you have 20 online games that you always play, you dont need more friends.
I would love this. I hate it to delete people who still play. But now, after deleting some who stopped playing, and they would expand it, it would be harder to believe if I tell annoying people that my friendslist is full.
I just have to say, Lulz. ANYWAY, I think that if they increased the limit to 200 people it would let the people that need the space have it, and the people that don't think they need the place dont have to use it