Hello, I got tired of people making Infection Maps on foundry, and so I said make something new! well no one did, and so I watched some zombie movies and I made a Zombie map on Last Resort. Story: The Government has been designing a way to spread a chemical bioware into enemy troops, so that the U.S. wouldn't loose any troops. But it got out of hand. It spread all around the world, Only a hand few of survivors are left, and are in a mall that can only last a couple more days. The Plan: Survive long enough until the warthogs are completed, drive to Andy's Gunshop, stock up on guns, kill the alpha zombie, to slow down the desiase ( srry if missspelled ) break through the sea wall quarintine wall and get to the Army's attack boat, before the zombies eat you...... Can you survive? The Mall
any says pics are not working it will be considered spam infraction sounds cool but no link never see a lot of last resort maps here