She vs Pod

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by RK The Beast, Jan 10, 2009.


Whats the best part about this map?

  1. The Accent! (Asthetics)

    0 vote(s)
  2. The Design! (Layout)

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  3. The Versatility! (Gameplay)

    2 vote(s)
  1. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Created by:
    AnF Ryan & Velocikiller

    She vs Pod, is an infection mini type game. This game is hosted on The Plateau, map on Standoff. The objective is for the zombies to destroy all the humans inside banshees or ghosts within 3 mintues.
    Honor Rules-
    There a couple of rules that go with this game...
    1. The humans must be in vehicles at all times.
    2. The zombies must stay in the tower at all times.
    3. The humans are not allowed to hide for that long.
    The gametype for this mini game is called She vs Pod. The specs are as follows...
    The zombie count is 25% of the players in the game. The game can only hold max 8 people. The humans only have 1 life and should try to survive for the 3 minute game period. There are 5 rounds per 3 mintues games, which is a total of around 15 minutes playing time.
    Gameplay Overview-
    The game is really fun. The best part is being the zombies because they lock on to all the players in the game and try to blow them up. The round usually lasts around 2 and a half minutes unless a driver is really good, or unless the zombies suck.
    Download the Gametype- She vs Pod : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Download the Map- The Plateau! : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Presented by:
  2. pjboyforgestyle

    pjboyforgestyle Ancient
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    Looks interesting ill defianly have to give it a twirl. But my only problem is that laser domanates but can't say much until i play. So for now ill give it a 3/5 but thats just because laser is pretty unfair.
  3. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Wow this looks like an instant DL for me. It reminds me of Half-Cab and I will definitely have to check this one out.
  4. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Laser definitely looks over powered. Not to mention there are a ton of honor rules, which in my opinion hold back the gameplay. If you could find a better way to iron them out it would definitely help the map. Also, if someone wanted to couldn't they easily hide in a banshee off the cliff where the zombies can't see them? Can the humans kill the zombies? if not I find what 75% of the people (humans) playing this map do to be somewhat boring and uninspired.
  5. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    I don't like the lots of honor rules because if nobody wants to follow them you have to boot the player. and if you don't have allot of people you can easily loose your party quickly. so i probably won't download even though it looks fun. =(
  6. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    i agree with other people, you neeed to get rid of the honor rules by ,mayby making another tower on the othe side of the map and connect them by a teleporter, and make humans super slow and barricade the basses after that it is a better gane with no honor rules and u carnt really hide much and aswell as that u could put down wepons for zombie but after a while stronger wepons spawn so u could make a slazer spawn 2 min into the game
  7. Velocikiller

    Velocikiller Ancient
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    Ok if you guys actually played the game its a simple thing: 8 PLAYERS! You don't exactly have a huge party to begin with. And if you can find a way to iron out every single honor rule which happens to be three then id love to hear how. And the banshees are constantly moving and it would be too dangerous to hide in the cliff without killing yourself. And if you are so worried about cheating then its your job to lead by example. Show them how to play the game to have the most fun. I did it with a bunch of friends and it was a blast. And another tower would be absolutely stupid. First of all we ran out of money and by the time that happened it was too late to make it infinite money. Secondly it makes the zombies even MORE overpowered because you can't avoid missiles coming from the north,west,east AND south. Lastly the spartan laser spawns 1 minute in
    and by the time that happens, most people are dead, save for skilled players. Then they could also easily avoid a laser. AND if you are the last man standing it takes more hits to die. One spartan laser shot will not kill them. So thank you and please keep to the honor rules.
  8. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Agreed 100%.

    The map looks very interesting. Some changes to the game would be great though.

    Where do the human's start? That's something you forgot to mention.
    And like Morphine said, can the human's kill the zombies?

    Please consider those things because I wanna play this. Make a v2 NAO!!
  9. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    I also played with 8 people and it was a bore. Its more of a game of "Knock the yellow guys off the tower, and hide on the side of a cliff. OR Hide behind something in the ghost. This gametype will never work out, unless the creator creates teleporters to other parts of the map, with a large central teleporter zone.
  10. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    great idea.. will dl. are the banshee pe9ople stronger than normal?
  11. Velocikiller

    Velocikiller Ancient
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    ok heres the thing: As I stated before, it is a game of having fun, not hey lets see how long it takes us to get booted by hiding the entire game. And the humans spawn right in front of their designated vehicles. If you can't follow a few rules then you really need to figure out the definition of fun. the game for me was a blast. Even if people cheated for a little bit, they still soon started racing around. It was fun for me and all of the people in my party. If I put teleporters around the map that means that zombies would have a way easier time to kill all of the humans. Most of the people already die before one minute so why make it ten seconds? If you have a better way without having people hang out in the cliff or behind rocks that is way better then give me an idea and if it's good I'll try it out. If it all works out then I will give you credit for the idea and It'll be a huge hit hopefully. Thank you and keep giving me ideas.
  12. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    I feel this map has some big potential to be a really good mini-game, but some of the choices you made to make the map was a bit off. A v2 would be good for this map, heck even I would remake it. The honor rules really should go though.
  13. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Alright first of all, we are making a V2 right now and will be fixing most of the easily to fix problems, and second of all, i didnt do a good job at explaining the features fully enough.... plz message me if you would like to know a little more about the map and game!
  14. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Its Simple, put Teleporters along the cliff edges, is that so hard to understand? Also, you have no idea what more teleporters would do to the map, it would create variety which would be better for your honor rule x3 map.
  15. Velocikiller

    Velocikiller Ancient
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    Just so you guys all know: I have made a V2 called The Universe and it will hopefully be posted by my friend RK The Beast/AnF Ryan because I am WAY too lazy and I don't know how to post maps to do it today. It has two posts with zombies and more vehicles, allowing you to have 16 players. You'll learn more about the new gametype and map soon.
  16. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    YOUR MAP!!!!!!!!!! lol the towers were my idea and made them haha, it's both our map lol ill post it tomorrow., wee need screen shots!!!!!!
  17. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    dude this is awesome, it would seem that it would get really boring after a while just loking at the concept.

    is there a time limit?

    oh well im gettin gthis XD

    nice 1
  18. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Its fun even if it requires honor rules. zombies and humans alike get to enjoy themselves for a good while. Where's the "thank you testers"?? haha
  19. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Thanks for the comment, most people just rate the threads and post a comment without even trying out the game and map which is really dumb, i can tell that you have really tried this out! Thanks!


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