STUCK Created by Krannx Grenades only! Base: Blackout Supported Gametypes: Custom Gametype(s) Description: Well who here doesn't love the good old "STUCK" message? This map gives you all the opportunities you could possibly want to kill your friends (or not, that's a deduction) and enemies (only sticks count... no worries though, as long as you are playing with the Stuck game-type you'll never run out of grenades. Stuck is essentially a checkerboard of double boxes, with one team on one side and on on the other. The edges of the course along with the middle are marked by shield doors, which a clever player could use to their advantage and ricochet some sticks. The gravity is lowered so that you can jump the longer gaps in between the double boxes, but speed was unaffected. Also a convenient little plus is that the map is only a few inches above the "fall to your death" spot, that way you don't spend half the match in the air waiting to die. Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ ___ ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Story: Yes this map was built in a map formerly used as a racetrack, I didn't use ANY of those parts, and deleted everything I could from it... The only reason it is on it is that I accidentally clicked the wrong map in forge and made the map before realizing that it was already in a forged map someone else made. An overview of the course during the first 30 Seconds...After that it brightens up. An example starting point, the opposite ends (longways) are where the different teams spawn Download STUCK Download Stuck UPDATE!!!: Ok, so this is an old map to me and my friends, and thanks to a post on p.2 we've decided to do a v2 with the same size (actually pretty large) and alternating gaps with single boxes instead of double, also I will add MANY more shield doors, the same around the edges and in the middle... but a second layer above the edges and NOT the middle... and then shield door ceiling at the height of the top of the second wall layer... and if anyone says that its a good idea then i will try to include shield doors in the gaps, so that its at the floor level... not sure on that last one though... hehe
Nice idea, but this map should be posted in the mini-games thread. Read the rules before posting. Apart from that this map looks as if someone put it together in 10 minutes. If you are going to build a small map for a mini-game, at least use interlocking to make things neater. Next time try interlocking and making things more interesting by adding more than boxes and shield doors 2/5
How exactly do you interlock on something where NOTHING is touching??? This map is about game-play, not aesthetics... And I have read the rules and have used these forums for ages (though without an account) to find cool maps to play. I actually spent a while deciding whether or not to put this in Mini-Games... but it really isn't, it is EXTREMELY competitive, but, you'd need to actually play it to realize that
Lol, this is a minigame because: - It has it's own gametype - It only involves sticking I have probably never seen map that is less competitive. You probably just posted it here to get more comments. I would suggest that in future you spend more time making these type of maps.
NEVER seen a less competitive map? NEVEREVER? lolol... and not really, I just posted it where i thought it would fit best ...but if you're gonna be so insistent about it then ill try to ask for it to be moved to minigames, but really, dont be a jerk about it. I DID put time into it, and tried everything ive ever used in any other forge map ive made ... but those just screw with the fun of it... Its beauty is in its simplicity
Lol, itz kayy... I don't mind that much I just like trying to help with advice. Sorry if I offended you ^_^ (anyway I better stop posting as i'll probably get infracted for something)
To be honest the pictures are pretty dark and i can see much but the shield doors. This should be moved into minigames, and nobody else needs to bother him about it anymore. Ill give you a 3/5 on effort, but the idea has been used many times before although this is a floating platform from what I can tell. As to your pictures, next blackout map you post you should turn your screen brightness to higher so people can see your map, thanks and I hope to see more of your maps in the future. -RC
Actually 30 seconds in the brightness goes up... i tried taking pics of it but it kept turning into a white screen...idk whats with that....they look fine on the xbox but when i copy it to my computer it turns (yes, i did the same method with the first two pics and those turned out fine)
I've never had that kind of problem before, the only one I've had was with photo bucket and I just wast paying enough attention to the computer. And how does it get brighter 30 secs into the game? Do effects spawn in?
Umm... well it might depend on what effects are on the map and what your brightness is on, if its on brightest with the nova effect on or possibly pen and ink then it is quite likely that that is the problem.
Nice man, I have really never seen a small map like this on blackout. It seems like an interesting game, though I think you could have done better. What would be really cool is if you use starting points to make them spawn in that area, so it's like a warmup, before going to a much larger area. The thing that bugs me is that it's so small. A game of this creativity shouldn't be contained to such a small area. The only other thing I could recommend is if you added a second level of shield walls, then a grenade could basically bounce all of the way around the map if you hit it at the top.
??? You DO spawn down there...and if i make it larger then you die ("killed by the guardians" lol) hmm...maybe in v2 ill make it all single boxes and then it will feel even bigger... but if you're on it it IS pretty big... its nearly the size of the rest of blackout EDIT: I'm updating the first post with questions about v2 (This map isn't new...just new to Forgehub)