My first ever picture I put on FH. I hope I get owned. Just to know how it feels. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details I bet these links are gonna fail.
Own. Ok, this picture is not that interesting. But I have a few tips for you if you want to re-do it. a) make the person in the background look at camera position. b) get a better place to do this. This is... boring c) Someone should do something. (Guy in the background charging his lazor!) d) camera position: make it look more upwards (is this an English word? Im not sure...) I like the ideaor the persons being bottom left/ mid right. The positioning looks good, and it adds some atmossphere to look at the guy from behind. I have seen way worse shots. 2.9/5. (I know you want to hear a rating)
Different angle is right. It just looks like you were playing a normal game. Try and spice it up a bit using particle effects.
I didn't think the picture was bad. I liked the colors and the background behind the glass was pretty nice. The fact that the guy in the back isn't facing the camera means that he is about to be killed by this person wielding the sword. You probably took this picture during a regular game as someone said so it could definetly be ramade. I thought that the angle was decent but you might want to make the person in front have a pistol rather than an assault rifle so that it doesn't block the view. Maybe have a grenade be going off nearbye to get a nice lighted effect. You can experiment with different types of grenades as well as equipment such as a flare/regenerator/power drainer/bubble shield/deployable cover. You should definetly have someone behind the camera deploy a bubble shield. As it is activating, the area nearbye will be illuminated with a golden light. This could highlight the person with the sword.
Personally I like the pic. It'd be neat if you could bring out a little more color from the guy right at the camera, but thats a little difficult sometimes. Yeah, have the guy farther away face more towards the camera, and maybe have him doing something extra like a grenade or something. And use either a smaller weapon or a thinner weapon(sniper). And maybe be a little closer to that doorway... just a few suggestions, I hope they help.
I think he's holding a sword, but I can't tell. A different angle would clear things up and possibly add more "suspense". I think that the guy in the background should be charging his laser, or doing something in stead of just standing there, it just looks unnatural. /start rambling Personally I think if you got another person, took out the assault rifle, and made an attempt at an infection theme it would be epic. Now hear me out, the guy with the laser is lasering a "zombie" in the background (the can see the body being lasered in the picture). Then in the foreground, the guy with his back toward the camera is holding a sword approaching the guy with the laser. /end rambling Well that's just my opinion take it for what it's worth.