Click pic to download *Thanks to Phreakie for the name! Hey hubbers! I'm back with my latest map (Not a 7CR Map BTW) called *Chainlink.. This, unlike my other maps, is not symterrical, but can play well with symmetrical gametypes like team slayer. It is setup for close range, fast paced, FFA combat and slower team based Slayer, When you see the layout of them map you'll see that Flag and Bomb based games are'nt really possible. This map also could be used with MLG Gametypes because nearly all the movable objects are held down with weapon holders. Forging 101- Geo-merge Immovable objecets- Yes - Interlocking- Yes - Geo merge Grav lifts- Yes - Floating objects- Yes Weapons - BR x6 -Shotgun x1 (1 Clip 90) -Sniper x1 -SMG x2 (45) -Spiker x1 -Plasma rifle x1 (45) -Needler x1 (60) -Brute Shot x1 (60) -Rocket lawnchair x1 (180 No Clip) -Sword x1 (Never) -Carbine x4 -Mauler x1 (60) -Magnum x2 Equipment - Bubble Shield (90) -Regenarator (90) -Overshield (180) But I can't take all the credit Because My 2 Best Mates helped me on the way, FdinDerA and Spazmunky92, You guys helped loads! Now for the part that half of you have scrolled straight down to- The Pictures! Thanks to: Spazzamunky123 Spazmunky92 FdinDerA xXxNuttytheNutxXx Berk4ManBum xXPerfection9Xx Grassanator Like Ma Gun DEANM12 And Subtle Murder Laters!
It's hard to see some parts of the map, try making an Overview that shows all sections of the map. OMG too many power weps srsly. Merging looks okay, I like the sunken grav lift. I might have seen some sloppy parts but some are clean also. Try making it look more interesting in v2. Peace.
Seriously, pics are way too small. Did you upload them on photobucket and post the here? If yes, what did you download? The small pics in the overview of bnet? Use the bgig ones, please. Since I have no time to dl (sorry, I am very busy, and it looks good), I will say a bit about what I can see on your miniature pics: It looks like you need way mor cover on the top level. Also, you should make the interlocking more clean, and geomerge a few things (fence boxes, last pic) to make it more smooth. And seriously, Rockets on this map? Anyways, nice grav lift merge.
Cool map - you should use some more geo-merging of the double boxes and stairs. No offense but I usually don't like maps that use the back-room. Still, good job.
YO hey u do know your not alowed to rate or comment untill you play? anyways cheese awesome map (took 7 times 2 spell awesome) and thats where the rocket came from that killed me in 1 of the pics. well done
I can see you put a lot of time and effort into this map, making sure to get all of the interlocking and geomerging straight and un-glitchy. For some reason, when I was forging on this I got a strong feeling of being on the default foundry, except, a strangely twisted and distorted version. I'm not sure why, it just felt like that to me. One thing you should fix though is the height. There is only a 1 box level height for most of the map, and that hinders the map by making everything in your line of sight, and there's almost nowhere to hide. You might have wanted this, but trust me, it kind of ruins maps.
It is great and all, but way way too many power weapons, lighten down on them some and then use more BR, or something