
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TexturedSun, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Any of you mofo's got this game (or a PS3 for that matter)?

    Its legendary. Truly.

    The level creator is genius, if a little daunting (if you have it, you'll know what i'm talking about) ... the tutorials are short (theres a lot of them though), but they're straight to the point and definitely needed if you're going to get the best out of the editor. But just the general idea of being able to start with a blank canvas and design a side scrolling 2D/3D platformer (with enemies and AI) was enough to make me get a PS3.

    Anyway, the main point of this thread is to see if anyone's been making cool things yet? Maybe we could use this thread as a sharing place for all our LBP creations?

    Anybody? My PS3 ID is TexturedSun
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I borrowed it the other night, I only got like 5 levels deep but I became bored of it. Although the PS3 itself ruined the experience. I'd borrowed from Blockbuster, when I finally had an opportunity to play that night, it needed to download an update. Then it had to download another update, additionally, the game isn't all that speedy to load up. All up I would've waited about half an hour, give or take, to play the game since I'd put the disc in. Still, the sakboys are cute and the narrator is amusing with a charm to him. But after about 5 levels I wasn't noticing a lot of variety and I didn't feel enthused to play it.

    Whenabouts does the level creator come into play?

    My PS3 Id is Linubidix
  3. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Its totally separate ... You have the main Planet with the Story mode, then if you press Right you get to 'Your Moon' ... each crater is a slot for a custom level. The tutorials are all within there. Completing each of the main tutorials unlocks all of the tools (of which there's a fair few).

    The levels only start getting good once you're past the Savannah, the main challenge is presented in getting all of the items (which are used in the editor).

    As for the loading i know what you mean about the update, that sucked balls, but after that i haven't had any problems with loading, its pretty speedy.

    Narrator is Stephen Fry. Pure legend.
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    ARGH, I feel like a total fool!
    I have to return something tomorrow, when I do I'm going to borrow it again.
    I assume that's the kind of stuff you can create in the level creator?
  5. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Basically, yes ... i had a look at a level someone made called 'Tic Tac Toe' ... in essence this person created a Tic Tac Toe (Noughts and Crosses) game, whereby you stuck a sticker onto the board and an AI would take their turn, trying to beat you. Sounds simple enough, but take into consideration this isn't what the game was designed for, nor is it easy to simlate with the tools. If you explore the level you find the 'Machine' which chooses the 'computers' moves ... honestly, its incredible.
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I heard that someone built a fully functioning calculator, how advanced the calculator is I don't know, but still that'd crazy. I know nothing of it but I have mild appreciation for how intriquit and complicated this has to be.
  7. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    We need to get a group of peeps together and complete some of the 4-player co-op sections ... I don't have any of the items from these areas yet.
  8. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    too much orange...

    Anyways, i love this game, the load was kind of a let down, but once you get started it is really fun, especially with a friend. I tried to make a level, but i couldn't get past the tutorial lol, i just wasn't very good at it. The editor is amazing in the right hands though. My friend and i spent an hour downloading the top maps and playing on them.

    PLUS, the Metal Gear dlc looks amazing.
  9. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    i play lbp way to much.
    The story was interseting with it still being all 2d, however the community maps are what i spend most time on :\
    PS ID : justles
  10. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Seriously ... does no-one here have any levels made?
  11. 07WRX

    07WRX Ancient
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    I would suspect a unanimous no, sorry head mistress ..... lol
  12. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I was so super disappointed today.
    I went to Blockbuster, returned the movies and headed to the games.
    No decent 360 games in, so I took a few steps to the left and had a glimpse at the PS3 games, same thing. All the games I'd want to play are out. Fallout, Little Big Planet, MK vs DC and more, all out. GRR, and it was cheap tuesday.
  13. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    ^^^ i </3 Blockbuster, they charge to much and have little to choose from (well by me) :\

    Im in the process atm ;)
    Its a remake of half-life 2's first Lvl (which is extremely hard to Remake >.<)
  14. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    lol, well mine is great. Guess Blockbuster isn't as good in the states.

    Only bad thing is its popularity, other video stores have a much smaller collection but the better stuff is almost always in. Whereas in Blockbuster they've got heaps of awesome stuff but you need to be quick.
  15. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Yeah i think Blockbuster isent all great, so i go to Family Video :D Huge Selection oh Movies and Games ;D Only problem is that they never stock new games Right when they come out :(
  16. TDH

    TDH Ancient
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    I added you on PSN, I'll only have the PS3 for a couple more days though.
  17. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I'm getting heavily into this game, love it to death. I've been working on some levels, but it seems like a day's work comes out to about 1 minute of gameplay. I'll have some stuff eventually, though. I have a very short level with some hidden items, it was basically me experimenting with the publishing system. Check it out, though. There's a fairly nifty lift I built and it's a prize if you find it.

    The level is called Televangelist.

    My PSN id is Sir_Anthias, feel free to send me a FR.
  18. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Steven Fry is win.
  19. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    I love little big planet, i completed it today =) do you agree it has a kl story line, i thought it was a totally different story line but it worked well. Also thehappyhotdog is my PSN name. the happy hot dog =)
  20. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Has anyone got the Metal Gear Solid add-on?

    I totally recommend it. In two words it is ****ing Brilliant. They have licensed MGS sounds/images/music the lot. Its genius. You even get to use the Paintinator Gun (and you unlock it for use in your own levels...along with 'paint switches' which act as life bars).

    Pure legend, seriously.

    Pred: I know what you mean about it taking aaaaaaaaages to build levels. I'll have a spy at your Televangelist level and rate it.

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