TGIF #24 RECAP BTB Conquest on Tunnels “Yes he has a rocket launcher” “And that’s a Guass warthog” “We decide to be friends” “Rockets away" Iron Curtain on Soviet Border “That’s what I call team shot” “Blue team with a big rush to… death” Conquest V3 on Faction “Blue team taking it to red team in their own base” “Sneaky blue member waiting to assassinate the red team” “Red team is kicking our ass” “Yeah… they kicked our ass. Cat Mouse Chase on Satellite Mice “Think he will escape?” “Looking good…” “Yeah not so much anymore” “Yeah he never had a chance” “Another team going for a skydive” Help is on the way right? “I bet the humans feel quite invincible right now” “But they never last long” Sniper Hill on Sniper Tundra “To quick to take more pictures” Group Picture
Battle Laser on Quasar “Dream getting an epic Overkill’ Tremors on Tremor Valley “They were really hungry today” Conquest V3 on Chasm “Death” “Destruction” “Doom” Tremor Blast on Iced Valley “BEFORE” “AFTER” “BEFORE” “AFTER” “AFTER AFTER” “Swing and a Miss” 1 Flag on Kentucky Tango “Burn baby burn” “The pond never looked so good Coin Slot on Pennyless “TITLE PICTURE” “End to an epic run”
The Catapult Group Picture "Pre-Launch Jitters" I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. This was probably the best TGIF i have ever been in. There were so many fun times i had to go above and beyond and post over 40 pictures. Feel free to send me pics or videos and i will add them to the post.
What's the catapult? I'm so jealous of you guys. I did have my friends come over and this morning we had a TGIF Saturday edition, we had a party of 14 going before a technical glitch caused me to turn off my Xbox. It looked like you guys had fun, hopefully I'll be able to make the next one.
looks like you had a good time vice, the record for most people in a bubble shield in pennyless hasn't been broken in a while (my group tried and failed)lol. I would have come to your party, but I was......busy.......
Dude... I'm such a n00b when reading and understanding timezones, I missed this one... hopefully, I'll participate in the next one. But I totally missed out this time and it looked soooo fuuun... ...Next time.
Aww... I tried to join Vicious but your party was PACKED!!! I remember 23, I got to know you pretty well. It looks like you played Manifest. I want to play that map so bad! It looks like the next best infection map out there. Oh well, hope to be there on #25..
Great TGIF Vice, you are right, this was probably your best TGIF, or at least what I have seen from you. In the first Tremor Valley pic, you can barely see me on the center hill in the background overlooking the mayhem. That was also me and Dream going skydiving, too bad the mean cats had to end my drive. I pulled a perfect 720. Too bad there weren't any pics from Tremor n Mouse.
Awesome pics! That party was a blast. You have quite a collection of sweet maps. I saved a bunch after we played. Can't wait till next time. Great job hosting and keeping everying under control. Perfect game selection.
lol thats me, be jealous of my beam rifle vangaurd predictions there XD and im pretty sure that i was the one that said red team was kicking our ass in faction, but im not entirely sure.... its a crying shame that i missed the one flag on the new and improved KT 5.0... and although i was in most of the listed games, you still had like a 4 hour after party that i couldnt get a spot in >.< lol at john's (hydrodr4gon)epic fail as last man over the cliff in sattelite mice... me:"john turn left, hard left now, LEFT DAMMIT JOHN LEFT!!!! nvm ur dead... see what did i say?" him: "why would i listen to you, your dead" vice: actually i always listen to dead people, since they can see more then i can" him(now feeling retarded):whatever....... vice always has to chime in at just the right moment, with his party leader authority xD
I loved it first one ever so worth th effort of nvr leaving vicious alone and begging for invite i thought we played ALOT of tremors but u cant have to much tremors!11/1
lol "yes he has a rocket launcher" lol i remember that. That was awesome BTB conquest is amazing. Thanks Vice for the amazing party and sweet pics.
Hopefully the "Vice Veterans" will be able to organize quicker and be able to do this on less failed attempts with maybe one day, the intended result of getting everyone in the sky at once for one screenshot. If you do the same style as before with a shot per goose, maybe you can label who's on them like this: MovingTarget602 and Speed-e-cake Just a thought if you're willing to do it. It does seem like a lot of work, mind you. Great TGIF Vice as usual, hope to get a similar result next Friday if I have time between studying for exams.