Ok, well im a bit confused. You know iTunes has a 'TV shows' section on the left, well howcome they dont turn up my on my ipod, and my iPod only has a 'movies' section in 'videos' I dont know what Gen my iPod is, but it is the 30g Black Video, and i know that they only do that in 1 generation. I think its 5. Is there a way to get TV shows? because i wanna put some 30 min things on, and i dont wanna have to put like 20 of them in the movies bit cos it would look wierd.
If i set a video to 'tv show' it goes in that library, but then it doesnt show up on my iPod, unless i go on recent films, but it disappears after a while and is unaccessable.
i think when you hook up your ipod you have to go to settings and click the sync tv shows or all videos to ipod, or atleast thats how i did mine
are u looking to put videos u uploaded urself that land in the movies section to move them to the TV SHOWS, well first of all, u have to change the show setting on that specific video to the show that it is, then genre=tv show, not movie. hope that helped
If you buy anything in the iTunes store, be it a movie, tv show, music video...it will automatically have the correct tags and be in the correct place in your library. However, when ever you add your own MP4 video to the iTunes library, it will go to the 'Movies' section, regardless of what page your on. To change this, right-click the video in 'Movies,' hit 'Get Info,' and hit 'Video' You can now use the drop down box to select Moves, TV Show, or Music Video. If you select Movie, it will simply be listed in your list of movies. If you select TV Show, you must also add the show name and season number, so that it will be organized on your ipod. For example, I have the simpsons on my iPod, so since I filled in every field, I hit (on my iPod) Videos >> TV Shows >> The Simpsons >> Season 4 >> Mr. Plow and the video will play. If you select Music Video, the video will use all of the ID3 tags (Artist, Album, etc.) It will then show up in your Music library, where it would if it was merely an MP3, not an MP4. However, in iTunes, it will now have the little gray TV next to it. On your iPod, you can select the file under Music, in which case it will play the audio track, or Videos >> Music Videos, where it will show the video.
Go to settings and set TV Shows on the main menu, just to see if you have it on your ipod. also, make sure your fully updated on your iPod, click on it when its synched in the iTunes window
Most of you havnt got what i said clearly enough.. This is more what i was lookin for. The TV shows option is on my friends new ipod nano, but not on mine. There is no option in the main menu settings, which leads me to believe that my iPod older than the TV Shows option. I think this was what i was lookin for, thanks for the help.
i believe movies can go into playlists, however (i THINK). so maybe try to make a playlist called TV Shows, and put your movies into it (its a kinda educated guess, but still worth a shot)
The answer is because my ipod is older than when the "tv shows" option was intergrated. Its not a problem with my iPod, and its nothing that a 30 minute international call could solve.
...guys read ALL the posts, think before u post *sigh* anyway, so did the playlist thing work? i kinda doubt it but its always worth a shot to try with these things
On iTunes it wont let me make a movie playlist. And on my iPod i cant add a movie to 'on the go' so no it doesnt work. But its ok, i think im buying a new ipod soon.
oh well...i might be getting a new one for myself soon too, im thinking a classic cuz of my big music collection, but the touch can get hacked to get IRC and stuff, and the nano is so beutifully small...its really hard to decide
definitely get the iPod touch, it has so many innovative features. It has so many features just on the iPod already, but you can get even more by hacking it. The web browsing is terrific, i actually use my iPod to browse forge hub.
thing is, i have 60 GB of music, and i really listen to it alot...but i might be getting a new job where ill be sitting around doing nothing for long periods of time so im thinking about a touch