DeathToll77's TGIF 24 recap

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by DeathToll77, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    TGIF at the Copacabana

    My TGIF was simply epic in every possible way. My party started early when I turned on my xbox and people just came in. My party went from about 7:30pm-3:00am. We played everything, some even twice. Games ranged from Transfusion to 16 FFA slayer on guardian. We maintained about 8 people for the first half, and in the second half we had constant double digit players. Games that support large parties like tremor blast and Valley of the Beasts were a must in the situation. Tremors and mouse was memorable because everybody stopped running from the tremor and gave it a great big hug, the tremor was nice enough not to kill us. Throughout the night we only suffered minor lag problems, and a rather annoying player joining and not staying because we were'nt playing tremor blast 24/7. All in all we had a great time, some people stayed the whole time, and the players behaved in a mature manner.

    Video recap coming soon


    Group Picture, no we are not jumping. We have 1337 h4x. Thanks to spartan for the idea

    Under the map in valley of the beasts.

    Can you find the VIP in this picture? This was in half cab. The game were sticking together actually works.

    Let's get started!!!

    Mass Chaos madness of Sparta!!

    Gibber and Spartan on a mongoose, they always seem to set me up for the best pictures. Being photographers themselves.

    Co-ordination fail

    Barrel rolls, back flips, front flips uber flips.

    16 player FFA on guardian. I have no idea how that guy got up there.

    Were is the love? The love? the love? We all gave the tremor a hug.

    OMGZ!!! RUN!!

    So much going on in this picture.........................

    We've go the flag but we're not home yet.

    How bout now?

    We made it home!

    That's all folks!!
    #1 DeathToll77, Jan 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2009
  2. Patchwork V2

    Patchwork V2 Ancient
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    Nice pics - thanks for a fun TGIF ^_^
  3. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    That was the best TGIF ever, we played for hours without getting bored.

    Hell, we even sang Copacabana. The definition of badass.
    I took over the party after DeathToll left to recap the TDIF (thank DeathToll it's Friday), we played Township*, Tartaurus, and Honor Blades.
    The afterparty wasn't as much fun, but is was still a really cool game.

    Whoever decided to play Honor Blades deserved a medal, Time Glitch deserves a chocolate cake and a medal.
    Loved the Barry Manilow tuxedo FFA game XD

    And now for my picture recap.

    Honor blades:
    Thank DeathToll it's Forgeday!

    The zombie spawn. It's backwards silly, we're playing Honor Blades!

    Before Public Servant kills a room full of zombies.

    After Public Servant kills a room full of zombies.

    Surrounded. (Hint: this guy doesn't make it home to watch the next episode of Friends)

    The zombie horde kicks the **** of everything in style,

    Whenever they're not taking a nap of course.

    Zombievillain prepares to go super-Sayan on the zombie horde's ass.

    Gibber007 makes sure this one's dead.

    Cat's don't go in bags!

    Gibber007: "Mabey they'll kill so many of us they'll become depressed?"

    (Somewhat true) Final outcome:

    (Failed) Picture recap:
    Lining up to jump on DeathToll's count.

    Gibber007 and DeathToll showed up with the same Barry Manilow tuxedo, and started a trend!

    Attempting to all get on the blade.

    Photo fail. Game over.
    #3 Catmon, Jan 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2009
  4. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    these make me wish I wasn't so busy on fridays. Baseball and friends hard to play on the weekends......

    ANyway i could tell it was a lot of fun ill try to make it next week
  5. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    Seriously, this TGIF was better than all others I ever played. The people in the party were nice, I was a screenshot manager (...), and I only had minor major problems with my connection at the end of the TGIF. I had blackscreen during the hug!

    Anyways, 5/5 lol.
  6. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Looks like you had yourself a great time Mr. Deathtoll. :D
  7. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Wish I could have been there. (V_V) Next time though!
  8. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    seems like u had a lot of fun
  9. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now if you'd only get your pictures up.
  10. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    I feel bad that my internet died, I missed out on alot! Oh well, maybe next time...
  11. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Had fun, and thanks for trying out squads on quads for me. let me know how you liked it.
  12. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    i had a great time during this party everyone was well mannered. i got booted because of a craptacular connection i was then invited to sharpshooter's party but was booted out of that party. i eventually joined deathtolls party again and had a great time. after we played rocket race on avalanche which was very fun. in all honesty i hated rocket race until i played that rocket race. half cab was very good too i found it amusing that all the mongoose drivers rushing to get to the VIP and getting sniped in the process. i liked conquest aswell it was very action packed and tremors and mouse was fun hugging the tremor and playing king of the dumpster because the tremor quit on us or he wasnt playing. overall my favorite game in my opinion we played would have to be tremor blast i somehow got splattered through the bridge blocking the tremors from getting in the base -.- unfortunately i had to go right before we started playing 16 man FFA on guardian.

    It was more entaining than i thought it would be and for my first TGIF i can only hope for more awesome TGIF in the future

    : ]
    cant wait for the video to be uploaded
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    You might as well have posted "Wish you were here" under every pic. 'm jealous now. t was my Mum's birthday, I couldn't do it. Next time, maybe. Next time...
  14. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    3 things:

    1. I wish I went but I'm still grounded :(
    2. The VIP guy is on the right because of the flaring shields.
    3. LOL so many dead bodies on Guardian especially one blue guy (Who was it?)

    Tell me if you replied.
  15. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    The blue guys were all of us, er most of us. We all dressed in blue for the spirit of the Copacabana.
  16. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    That was my very first TGIF and it was awesome! I was one of the few who stayed in for all 7 hours and 30 minutes. The entire time I was trying to get party lead but never recieved it. I can still remember during that Tremor Blast match that I had made fun of Deathtoll by saying "Why don't you just hit every tree on the way their?" And so he did...

    The "Where's The Love?" and the never taken picture of "Tuxedo." I dressed up in Blue for nothing!

    Although some of the people in the party were oddly rude. I had a great time and hope to make it into the next one! Why no pictures from "Fave Creeks?" I didn't think of getting pictures... I missed out on a TON when my Dad decided to go to Taco Bell... grrrrrrr... I'm only in 2 of the pictures.
  17. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    god damn that sucks! I was gonna be there but ended up not bieng able to make it due to not enought spaces(i had a guest) when you were playing tremor Blast.. damnit
  18. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    lol i wasnt in any. but anyways u should put the me and some other guy getting splattered through the bridge on Tremor blast in the video : ]
  19. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    That sucks, you where the guy that got splattered through the bridge during Tremor Blast? That was so funny! I would get a picture of that but I didn't save the film. Silly me...
  20. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    Has anyone checked out my picture recap a few posts down from DeathToll's?
    From the posts it looks like no one knows it exists.

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