The purpose of this thread is to post helpful, fun, or just flat-out cool gadgets for the Windows Vista sidebar. I currently have no downloaded gadgets, which is why I want you guys to help me out. I've seen a few in the past, but none I've actually considered using. Right now, I am only using Calendar and CPU Meter. So, post some of your favorite Vista gadgets. Or if you wanna start looking, go here. EDIT: I've scrolled through the top-rated and found a pretty beneficial gadget. It's called Google Gadget.
I've got a moon-o-meter, a weather thing and a network meter. I did have a currency comparison to show the strength of currecies in comparison, but I got rid of it. Moon-o-meter FTW! Also, DizFunky, how did you get an animated avatar. I thought only the mods could have them?
I'll check those out FishFingers. And about the avatar; I just asked a moderator for one. It's that simple.
I only used the gadget bar the first couple of weeks vista came out, and have rarely used it. I find it more annoying than anything.
There's a link to a Video in my sig, called: Pimp My Desktop: Improvements. I talk about the Gadgets that I like and some other shiznit. I haven't downloaded any new ones since then.
I have a news ticker, but that's about it, i try and keep gadgets and things on my computer too a minimum, keeps everything running smoothly.
Just got a Halo 3 picture viewer one, and got rid of my network meter (It's a memory hog). The picture viewer is cool, but only seems to show ones from maps that I've posted on here.