Map Title: Doomed When in doubt bring out the sniper!/Doomed is a uniquely made map that was designed for the slayer gametypes. Any slayer gametype goes great with this map. If your a fan of snipers then you definately want to set up a sniper gametype for this map. Download Map Doomed Download Gametype Heavenly Sniped Description: Doomed was intended to be a CTF/Assault but creating the map little by little it became a slayer/team slayer map. Every corner of this map was worked hard on and positioned just about right there to perfect. It can be perfect for a 2v2 or even a 6v6. If you would like to add me to play with me that would be fine. For all thos huge fans of snipers i designed a specially made sniper tower that overlooks pieces of the map and also directly in sight is the energy sword with two fusion coils to the side so feel free to eliminate those noobs that cant snipe =D.
From that picture it looks pretty cool, but you might want to get some more so we can see the whole map.
Ya sorry about that im a little new to this so im trying to get thee feel for this forum i have about 5 more pictures to put up.
Another suggestion is click the remove size from thumbnail option when you are uploading to imageshack. This makes so we can actually see the pic without opening up another window.
Its a hot topic on so you may have clicked it before. Thats just my guess. Am i allowed to reply to your comments, im new to forge hub and not very clear of the rules.
First map? You use some of the Forge 101 techniques better than some people with multiple maps on here. I'll be back...
Thank you for making bigger pics. I am glad you followed the rules. For some reason i tihnk i have seen this map... looks so framiliar..hmm.. know ur gonna hve me thinkin about this