I've noticed that the IWHBYD skull doesn't have very many funny lines. This morning as an April Fools joke I played the 3 towers misson and pretend to fall asleep infront of our tv so my mom would think I had been on all night. I didn't have any skulls on and heard some funny lines. My favorite was when I was a in a Hornet and a Banshee hit me and it sounded like the Brute inside it said "Was up"
Blasphemy? Have you not heard the "I'm getting bishslapped!" line from 343 Guilty Spark on the ark? funniest line in context in all of Halo arguably.
Yeah, you should listen to it with a proper pair of headphones. There's still some pretty good stuff, especially if you're a Seinfeld and Firefly/Serenity fan.
Hmmm... well before you say they aren't that funny, maybe you should listen to all of them, they are in excess of one hundred extra lines or phrases.
I was writing this when FH went down yesterday... So this is basically what I said: Quotes I've heard -''He was my lover!!!'' -''He was my partner!!'' -''Sparta!!'' i don' know if these were with iwhbyd on though.. probably
i havnt really heard nething b/c i play with 4 people when i do campain and my teammates keep talking over the grunts and brutes so i cant hear anyone.
I really have not heard much of them. Maybe a few, but they were never really funny enough for me to remember after all these months.
The Vera one has to be my absolute favorite. Followed closely by Sgt. Reynolds motivating the outgunned troops to fight through the valley. Now why does that sound familiar...hmm.
I've heard a grunt (On Sierra 117) more than once saying like.. Omg! you killed flibjack. or was it flibfrop. no wait. it was flipjob. well it doesnt matter anymore because he's dead!. lol that was funny
Well, since this was bumped up, to not make spam I actually heard a brute on Sierra-117 "You shouldn't have killed my mamma!" And the funny thing was that I killed a Grunt before I heard the brute yell this...
Same here, but honest to say the ones that I have heard weren't really that funny. But that's just me, maybe other people think otherwise.
The funniest thing I have heard was the grunt talking about yip-yap dying and nipple academy, epic lulz.