Oh i forget Communists stopped snow cuz they hate it jkjk But really snow just rules you can make stuff with it and eat it and draw with or in it. There is endless uses
You know when the volcanoes explode and this black **** falls from the sky? Snow is the exact same as that, except it's white, cold, and made of frozen water.
You know when the communists burned so many jews ash flew around the camps and covered the ground? Just like that but white and poor.
Sounds like Canada, or rather Saskatchewan. Seems you guys are lucky. Everyone else is freezing their asses off, while you guys have it good. I actually wish I lived there right now, instead of here in the windy, flat, snowy province of Saskatchewan.
I'm sorry I can't believe I typed Communists, its was really late when I typed it. I ment to say Germans, but somthing got lost in translation there.
i <3 the weather channel! Oh, we dont get snow storms in Cali, but its perfect 50's all day everyday <36897341685464
hahahaha, you have the maturity of a fourth grader jk actualy though you do have a maturity of a fourth grader