Tree House Created by Truegamaz101 Supported Gametypes: Infestation (My Infection Gametype) Story Survivors of the infested earth wanted to hide from the zombies, resulting in the construction of this tree house. 2-8 players Map Description The key is to get to the top of the Tree House. The best weapons like the Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Shot Gun, Machine Gun Turret, and the Missle Pod are all is differn't locations of the Tree House. Their are many ways to get to the top of the Tree so explore. _________________________________________________ Tree House Overview 1 Tree House Overview 2 One of the tree houses bases. Their are 3 bases where weapons are found. This base as you can see consists of a rocket launcher and Battle Riffles. Human Spawn Area Zombies spawn in the base. They have to pull the switch to open the door and then break a couple of pallets. Then the zombies are free. _________________________________________________ Notice I made this map over the summer and you might not see much interlocking because I wasn't that good at that time. Download Tree House Download Infestation
wow,i though of map like this on higherground but this beats it by far. i like the tree house idea i always though it would be good for infection. on this map it looks pretty even, but you might want to interlock more...wel alot more it didnt look like u did at all i bet a really clean V2 would do good 3/5
a great idea im impresed ir looks pretty good u should make a v2 with interlocking it would make the gameplay alot better 3/5
The merging with the tree was superbly done and it looks great. (at least I think it was merged, or did the branches go through automatically?) I suggest that you also merge fencewalls into the floor to even out all the bumps. Since the map is huge you might also think about making another tree house for the other team. If there aren't any other good trees then you could make a base on the spire next to the invisibility spawn. That way it could be modern tree house vs. old tree house
wow cool idea i gotta download this , i cant believe i never thought of this... i seen one before on ghost town .. this takes the cake ...u can really build off of this map ....ya i also was wondering did u merge in tree or does it go through it... anyway great map ..5/5 v2?
I did not geo merge the bridges or the other things to the tree. I simply just goes threw. Their are some areas that didn't thowe. When I made this map, I was just learning how to interlock. I did not know how to geo-merge. I just learned that 2 month ago.
Very nice map, it's very original and creative, although i would make it a asthetic map instead of an infection game because the gametype isn't all that amusing.
I dont think i have ever seen a tree house all though people have screwed around on it with forging and played with it. I can see how this could be turned into a King of the hill varient but ya thats just a suggestion and I dont think you really plan on going any farther with it Nice job, its very unique, once again i dont think its been made before
OMG this is such a coincidence I was thinking about building a tree house infection on foundry. But I like your idea better, I never thought of using the tree in Standoff.
looks really good and original people are saying you need interlocking I dont see anywhere that needs it from the pics. GJ 4.7/5
The really did make me think of a tree house, with the tree branch in the floor and everything. I think this would be more suitable if it were in the Aesthetics Section because I don't really see myself playing infection on such a small section of a map. Can you give us Gametype Information?