I love the guy teabagging the ground, then turns around and gets destroyed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsHRHg-o71I
Wow, i really think that this was set up. Im not too sure but I dont think that would happen, but if it did really nice job. But you hesitated before you drove in like you were waiting for them to set up, and plus i didnt see them fire back at you..
Hey, at least credit me for the video. And yes, it was in matchmaking. DLC Bigteam. I also got featured on the front page of Bungie.net. ^.^
well congratz on that, sure is one funny slapter spree, in less than a seconde,lol. I like the vid hope to see more cool vids in the future
Sorry about that, it was front paged on halo.bungie.org and I just decided to post it here ... lol .... never said it was me though
I enjoyed how the red guy teabagged right before his spine was dislodged and shoved into his skull...
It's such a good feeling when you get a killtacular in a Gjost. I've done this twoce, but neither of mine looked that good. It didn't look set up to me.
Nice vid good camera placement to I'm glad this wasn't set up very cool and liked it hope you see more!
Still funny the second time I saw it. This is a classic noob-tastrophe. Those noobs never had a chance.