MidPoint ll By freezefry 4-8 Players “Lying in my bed that morning, a ray of light pierced my window. Little did I know, that beam of sun was the last natural light my eyes would ever see. The darkness came later that day.” Download MidPoint ll (Avalanche Map) * MidPt Conquest (Conquest v3 Variant) * MidPoint Flag (Multi Flag Variant) MidPoint King (Team King Variant) MidPoint VIP (Escort Variant) MidPoint Bomb (Multi Bomb Variant) * Recommended Gametype MAP CHANGES 1. Grav lifts behind teleporters to prevent camping 2. Blue Team now has another route to the Red Team’s side of the cave 3. The Red Team can now get on F by means of hidden teleporters 4. Mauler and regenerator in each base 5. Slightly different grenade layout 6. Hammer replaced by sentinel beam (sentinel beam on F deleted) 7. Deleted all BR’s and Carbines GAMETYPE CHANGES 1. Shorter respawn times for all gametypes 2. No starting grenades 3. Flag and bomb beatdowns are no longer instant kills 4. For MidPoint Flag / Bomb, there is now only 1 round to 3 points as opposed to the original 3 rounds each to 1 point 5. Respawn area adjustments WEAPON LIST Assault Rifle- 2 Fuel Rod Gun- 1 Magnum- 2 Mauler- 2 Needler- 2 Plasma Pistol- 2 Sentinel Beam- 1 SMG- 1 Sniper Rifle- 2 Spiker- 1 EQUIPMENT LIST Active Camo- 1 Bubble Shield- 1 Firebomb- 2 Flare- 1 Frag- 3 Overshield- 1 Plasma- 7 Regenerator- 2 MAP DESCRIPTION: MidPoint is based in the ice cave and the two main bases of Avalanche. At the start of a match, each team spawns in one of these two bases. From there, they can teleport to the ice cave. In CTF or Assault, the idea is traverse the cave, then teleport into the opponent's base where the flag or bomb plant point is located. In the other gametypes, the objectives are only located in the cave. Because MidPoint is linear in shape, the gameplay is similar to tug-of-war. The most common outcome of this are long CTF games and quick comebacks in Conquest. It is crucial that players control the cave! GAMETYPE DESCRIPTION: For the most part, the modifications to get these gametypes were made to improve flow. The way I see it, flow is the greatest factor of enjoyment in a Halo match. Most players notice flow subconsciously, but a select few (usually forgers) notice it directly. With this concept in mind, I made the alterations that formed the MidPoint gametypes. Visit this map's blog post for further explanation. Special Thanks: whats a scope - One of the Tester Guild’s finest Boratstronaut - His antics took out the “boring” in forging Zachary9990 - A dedicated tester, good feedback ...and all other testers whose names I have forgotten. Thanks! If you want to play this map with me, just say so in your comment! Download MidPoint ll (Avalanche Map) * MidPt Conquest (Conquest v3 Variant) * MidPoint Flag (Multi Flag Variant) MidPoint King (Team King Variant) MidPoint VIP (Escort Variant) MidPoint Bomb (Multi Bomb Variant) * Recommended Gametype
I remember testing this map, i enjoyed it very much. I hoped you fixed the tele camping, that was basically the only problem. And i see you changed the a few structures in the middle, very nice!
Really cool. I like how you incorporated timed events into a competetive map. Although it may be hard to concentrate on jumping while you're taking fire.
About that... I'm going to make a version 2 of the map and all of the gametypes. What I'll do is put a custom power up on the teleporter that makes players invincible for maybe 2 seconds.
I tested this back at the end of October. This map is a very unique one. Unlike most maps, you don't just walk around, you fly from platform to platform. You fly by using the man cannons. It's really fun. I see you have made some changes, from the pics. Great Job.
This map is fantastic. Nothing really compares to the amount of interlocking and general forgy-ness inside the cave exept Fave Creeks, and that got featured! This looks great I'll DL and get back to you.
Did you download and play it? Something similar might have been made before, but I have never played anything like it. Just because it's in the ice cave does not mean it's unoriginal.
There seems to be a little bit too much focus on jumping for a competitive map. personally i hate jumping because i'm bad at it and your map will frustrate the hell out of me. oh well. Anyways, amazing forging nontheless and great use of timed events. P.S. I love good backstories
I understand, but try it out anyway, you might be surprised. It seems like there is more jumping than there really is. In fact, for the entire beginning of the game, you can get to other side of the map without even jumping, for the mancannon will do the trick. Even later on, there are only three jumps you need to make to get across the cave, and that's only if you want to get to the other side. By the way I love backstories too
I remember testing this map. It was fun to play on though the telecamping was getting on my nerves. Plus I kept falling off because I never looked where I was looking lol. You could work on a V2 to fix the telecamping problem or something. P.S. I still hate you lololol jk.
Hey no worries that only happened because we were doing 1v1. It's not that serious of an issue when the map is supporting 4-8 players. I'd still like to do something about it though... what would you propose?
love it, love the use of cover and the CTF gameplay. especially love it because i find it so hard to make floating maps and youve made the best of it
I Dled and checked it out and I was very impressed! The interlocking and geomerging were flawless and i loved the gameplay too! The fact that its on Avalanche separates it from a lot of maps allready but your perfect execution is what is going to keep this map on my harddrive for a long time to come. Good Job FreezeFry! 5/5
I thank everyone for the feedback. I am taking the suggestions into consideration now and a Version 2 will be out soon. This version will feature minor gametype changes as well as several map changes. I know a simple way to stop tele-camping, for example, and I am going to try eliminate the need for excessive jumping as well as falling off the edge. This will be my last focus on Midpoint, and afterward I am looking forward to two more map releases, one being a mini game. Thanks for the support everyone! PS- When Gamevee fixes the Grab application, I'll post some gameplay videos.