You have great talent, but your "matching" skills suck horribly. No offense. You have a very hard time finding things that match each other. Work on finding better material for your signatures.
I think what frag is trying to say is that your text doesn't really flow with the rest of the image at all the rest has great flow, but that screws it up
Maybe I don't know **** about sigs.. I think it looks really good and lol at the fact that you used the objection meme >.< Or maybe you guys are too picky. I'm not saying it's you guys but.. Often I see a bit of elitism going on. You shoot down newer members, say they have open space in a part of their sig you tell then it's horrible, too open on that one part. If they don't have open space you tell them it's horrible, too cluttered. Art. Just because I think the mona lisa is plain and boring... It must suck right? Obviously not because it's the most famous painting in the world. Everyone has different opinions on what looks good and what doesn't. That's the beauty of art. "Good sig, needs moar flow 5/5 kthxbai" ...
Get rid of the brush behind the text and move the text more over and make it like partially hidden behind him.
Alot of the other sites I visit say that Lighting and Depth and Interrest are the key factors in Tag making. Also, I made this tag to be simple. I didn't want anything special done to it, I got tired of that really easily. Of course, I actually sort of like this style. One reason is that I believe that this style allows me better chance at depth. A factor that I was never really that good at.
Mastar the criticism here is actually quite nice I'd say. On a graphics website sigs of this standard would either get no reply other than "look up some tuts" or it would be utterly rips to shreds by uberleet trend whores.
Yeah, fair enough Mallet. I'm not exactly experienced in the matter, 'twas just my general observation of G & A over the past months. >.<