Just wondering if this is new I was messing around with a map i was making and wanted to add doors into double boxes to look like there was a room in there. mean-while i was placing one merged with a double box, and the UNSC sign appeared on the door. so i merged the door with the box and the texture from the box cam onto the door.(but just the UNSC sign) Has this been seen / done?
That could be because the layer is on top of the box, it could be a vinyl sticker on the box, so it could be raised up
I imagine you must have been pretty lucky to have lined this up so perfectly by accident. I bet that layer is millimietres thick. Good find, im sure someone will find a good use for it.
So the UNSC sign stayed on the door? Even after being taken out? Or you just managed to get the door right behind the UNSC sign and it seemed to be on the door?
Yes, please post a screenshot. Also, post one with an aerial view that shows how far into the box the door was.
This, I have seen before on one of my maps. I placed a wall beside the box and then the UNSC label seemed liked it kinda peeled off the box. Part of it was stuck to the wall. Kinda weird.
Okay, I understand what happened, but did it stick to the door? Or just leave when he pulled the door away?