Hey everyone. I didn't have the Annual achievment, so can three people help me out on it? The last time I was sooooooooo close, but some one left. I really want it, so yeah.... 1.C0N741N3D 2.General Gilliam 3.L MURRY 4. Maybee/problably American Psycho X TeXn Helpzzz!! lol BTW, be on at January 9Th EST (Eastern Time). At about 5:00 or 6:00 o'clock...
Good Luck. I would help but after helping 5 people I am beat - this last run took 136 minutes and 32 seconds. All I would like to say for driving is this, run throw the driving in Easy first, get a feel for where the stuff falls. The more you know where this stuff falls, the better chance you make it.
Send me an invite and an FR to my GT: "EpicFishFingers" on Saturday or Sunday, and I should be able to help you. This'll be the fifth successful time (if successful lol) EDIT: Sorry, just checked, I'm not free on the day you want me to be. Sorry. But I'll be there if it fails tomorrow. I am British though, you have to consider that first.
You can put me down as for sure now, and if you don't have enough people in time, I have a friend I could tell to get on and help us because he hasn't gotten it either,
Add me first, then sign me up as maybe... I'll absolutely do it during the weekends, though. just pm me when your going to do it.
Alright guys the last post before this one was a week ago. I think he has/had enough people. So please let this thread die.
I am sorry, since my xbox broke, it said goodbye and left a scratch on my halo disc. I can not play the last level any more. (I can not play campaign online anyways; my connection is too bad...)