Municipal Water Created by Olaberas Supported Gametypes: All gametypes are supported, but is geared to FFA/Team Slayer and CTF Map Description The design of this map is intended to look clean and "not forged." Most immovable objects are geomerged or interlocked or both, but only if it was warranted. Gameplay naturally has moved away from top center and is now much less localized. Weapons and equipment BR x 4, default Carbine x 4, default Sniper, 1 clip, 120 sec Rockets, 0 clips, 120 sec, not at start Shotgun, 1 clip, 90 sec SMG x 2, 1 clip, 45 sec, not at start Magnum, 2 clips, 45 sec Plasma Pistol, 45 sec Bruteshot, 2 clips, 60 sec Plasma Rifle, 45 sec Mauler, 1 clip, 45 sec Frags x 15 Stickies x 10 Overshield (1 symetric/2 assymetric), 60 sec Cloak (1 symetric/0 assymetric), 60 sec Power Drain, 90 sec, not at start _________________________________________________ Attacker Start Watchtower has been slightly altered to prevent bottlenecking in objective play Defender Start Top Center Hall Basement Basement removed during assymetric gameplay Storage (Old Defender) Rockets (Old Attacker) Hint Shown: one of very few practical ways to rocket spawn _________________________________________________ Special thanks to 2Old2PlayHalo for testing. Please play before reviewing anything but screenshots. Download Municipal Water
The geomerging on this map looks very smooth, looks like it would of taken a lot of time. Will get back to you once i take a look around it. I have now looked at it - Not played it, but looked around. I have to say, you have some greqat forging in there. Some is so good, that players unfamillier with ghost town would not know any differeent. Fior example, the barriers at the front of factory factory spawn, and the bridges inside the main building. The only thing i would say is that, for a medium sized map, the weapons fell a little limited. You have got the power weapons just right, but looking arounf, i struggled to find to many 'Normal' weapons. Of course, this may well be down to my lack of knowlegge for the map, but i do think one or two weapons should be added, especially as you have to take the long way around some places. Also, looks like it would make a great multi team map =)
Thank you very much for all the compliments and critique. Sounds like I managed to reach the goal of looking unforged. Weapons may appear to be pretty sparse, so I understand the concern for that. I didn't want to overwhelm the map with too many, but there may be room for a couple more. The map is set up for up to 6 teams of 2 (or 2 teams of 6), but any more than that may see spawning issues. Glad you saw the potential!
Yes, this is very clean and smooth, the only really noticeable is the tower that was "fixed" and the fence wall in that one window. The gameplay is 100% better than gost town, but then so is any map . 4.5/5
The map itself incorporates very good aesthetics. It's also unusual to see a competitive map on Ghost Town, unless the competitiveness is a lie. The forging is also very good and I truly admire covering the hole in the center of the map. My only concern are the teleporters, but other than that, good job!
Thank you very much. Thank you as well. The gameplay was well reviewed in testing, so I think and hope that it will be satisfactory. The teleporters were placed to increase map area as well as provide less of a bottleneck through center. However, during assymetrical maps, they and the basement are completely removed.
Everything looks good and looks like you thought this out to , I especially like the merged fence wall at the Default Sniper Spawn. I think one thing you can improve on is adding a few more spawns so you can have more players on the map without having problems, i would play this with more than that amount. Aside from that it's very good
This is an excellent FFA map, and can accommodate the full roster of 16 (if that is what you want). The team spawns also cover over 8 spawn points, but, through play testing, proved to be a bit much. However, the team/players sizes are just recommendations. If you've went through the map and can find additional areas that are relatively safe spawn points, feel free to message me and I will include them in a revision.
First I have to say this is a original master piece, the merging is perfect and is there geo-merging in there? looks like from the pics there might be a couple things you could get stuck on, but thats just me. 4.8/5
Looks like a great map. I like getting out of the warehouse and playing on different base maps than Foundry. Also I like your geomerging technique to plug door-ways. Downloaded; will get a game with my friends on it =D
There is many places that are geomerged... default sniper, top center, and default shotgun are the most noticable. However, the default defender spawn (factory?) has been overhauled as well. The only pieces that you can get hung up on are the extra "building supplies" in the factory. The bridges are in a sloppy stack (on purpose) that does not allow you to just walk over them from one side. Geomerging Ghost Town is not a very entertaining task, but the rewards seem to justify the means. Thanks for the DL!