The Demo was released today, I have it downloading at the moment. It was released on the 8th, although this for the Americans, as I went to download it yesterday and it wasn't there. Either way, I'll be sampling it soon. I was wondering, has anyone played it yet? How is it?
I am downloading it now myself, are you experiencing a rather long wait time? It's been around 30 minutes and I am only at 10%. I have plenty of room (Have an Elite) and I am hooked directly to the modem, not through a router, so I shouldn't have this problem.
I'm using a wireless connector, although we're having the house hardwired soon. I couldn't be bothered waiting in the dashboard, so I'm going to forge in Local and hope it still downloads.
I never played the first skate and will DL this demo when my Xbox returns, but from what I've seen it can take hours.
I played it hours ago. Same trick buttons like the first one. Its awsome though. I like the tutorials, they r actually helpful
Its a true sequel. Not just skate 1.5. It has better graphics, twice as many tricks, and the interface is just so smooth. I ill play this 100 times before the 23, lol. Same thing happened with the last skate. Also, i love how you can make a character in this demo, the last one you just had some dude.
I played the first Demo to death. Every time I'd get on my 360, I'd throw up the demo. I couldn't begin to count how long I played the demo. I got the game as soon as it came out, I was so eager to get it. Ask Jay, he dealt with me everyday. OMG, it's finished! Here comes another distraction from redeemer.
You guys do know that you can set your 360 to download while it's turned off right?... I just started downloading it now =D Through the PC online marketplace... lol =P
really smooth interfacing because of the fight night style controls one annoying this is the camera and the lack of speed you have. might get this but i need to read up on it
I never played the original Skate game. Is either one worth the buy? I like some skating games, but the last few I played just were not up to par.
Dude, i played this game at my Friends house the day it came out. You can finally walk! Its a little sketchy though, it feels like the Tony hawk games. I hope EA can smooth out the walking mechanics before the release. It feels a little harder than the first judging by the demo. Oh yeah! Totally forgot, you can actually fix your skate spots. Players can get off their boards and move objects around to create their skate spot. Kinda like how the TH proving grounds did...
Everything would be as it is in the demo, in the game at its release. Only thing they'd fix would be little bugs and glitches. I can guarantee you, I'm only getting off my board when it's absolutely necessary. The walking system, to put it blunty, sucks. I suddenly have a burst of speed but then I can't maneovre myself to turn left. Although being able to jump off your board has a couple redeeming qualities. Jumping onto your board down a ramp looks cool and it helps immensly with making lolworthy stacks. Otherwise, it's awesome. Being able to move scenery is really cool, although if it wasn't there I couldn't care less. Personally, I would have been thrilled with just Skate(1) with new scenery. But Skate 2 is awesome, no doubt.
I finished downloading it like an hour ago, but we're watching The Day the Earth Stood Still so I can't play yet. Is it any good? I played the first Skate. Demo from when it came out to the release date. I remember sing to the Bum Bum, Bum Dee Dum, Bum Bum song.
i got anally ****ed a glitch while doing a plant and my guy's skeleton just got screwed up like paper it broke every bone in my body but my left arm