The only problem I have with making condoms available to everyone, is the fact that then I'd have to put up with those dumbass 12 year olds, flashing a condom that is hidden in the masses of their cubby, grinning like a ****ing r-tard as if possession automatically makes them a badass.
Damn. I guess I have the hookups, I get Trojans from this one guy for a dollar. I only carry one when I think I may need it, and the two times I've done that, I've been right. And I make sure I don't go waving it around in people's faces. And whatever, you were only referring to 12 year olds and such; I'm 15.
I don't get what's so embarrassing about it, go in get them go out. Simple? I usually just get them while I'm in Coles or something... lol
I thought you quit Forgehub... I have not seen you in a long time? But... It is still embarrassing... to younger people.
I was gone for a while, I'm back-ish. I haven't always been of legal age... Lol I used to go in when 16ish
They should be more available to minors, but have some method of keeping the number distributed down (Thus keeping in step with the original idea.) Like having a system that embarrases anyone not mature enough to actually use it?- I'm thinking alternate solutions. People who really need them will get them. People who don't won't bother to jump through the hoops.
I thought you were gay? I am confused now. For starters what is this age nonsense? As far as I'm aware there is no limit. Although less pleasurable (wouldn't know... sthu D<) I would rather not have a child as a freshman.
All the more reason to use one? At least, that's what I heard. As for this whole about age, I always thought you can walk in and get them. I knew people who did when we were in 8th grade. If you aren't allowed, just don't go when theirs that chick in her 50's at the register. Most people would look at you, keep their thoughts silent, let you pay, and send you on your way. Besides, how do they know you'll use it for sex? They make great movie squibs when they break.
owhy? stop bragging, if you brag, you aren't old enough to have sex. And lol, rip off gangstas? My old highschools teen health centre gave them out for free, who's getting ripped off? Yeah mhm let me tell you about that one. Try I duno? Mid 20's the earliest. Kid if you were having a baby, you'd kill yourself. Yes wonderful advice, that's exactly how it's done after your one beer and falling down. Yes, that would make sense wouldn't it.. Anals not for everyone, I can give you that..but lol, are you really saying blow jobs are for pornos? Are you sure you had sex? I'm guessing it's not with a girlfriend than. lol Hmm, yeah no..your wrong. Since when are condoms illegal to minors? Since when is there a sex age? Yeah sure Mr jenkins, the 40 year old bus driver can't screw eighth grade sally,, just no. Wtf does public school have to do with anything? If you can't get up the nerve to go buy a box of condoms at a drug store, you aren't old enough to have sex period. Lol, just lol. You may not be waving around a condom, but you sure enjoy waving around the I had sex two whole times card! Hmm it shouldn't be though. I'll admit, back when I was 15 it did suck to stand in a line to a checkout and have those 45+ parents give you dirty looks, but meh. Now after all of my quotes, here are my thoughts on the issue. I didn't know condoms were illegal to buy anywhere? I suppose they are in some places, but I've never found one. Anytime I've needed them, I've bought them myself. Like I said to texn, if you are old enough and mature enough to have sex, you damn well better be mature enough to buy yourself some condoms. My girlfriend had a miscarriage about six months ago, we are old enough, mature, and she was on birth control as well. We normally used condoms, and didn't like twice. Yeah, that's how quick it happens..your stupid once and thats all it takes. I can remember being in grade seven and in health class being given condoms. All young kids today should be give them in school, it prevents A LOT of things. My girlfriend actually has a son, she was 14 when she got pregnant, 15 when she had him. The guy told her that "pulling out" would actually work. She was dumb and she knows it. Sex isn't just a game, and irresponsible drunk people make it even worse. Kids are going to do **** and you as parents will have to accept it. Would you rather have you child get alcohol poisoning? Or get in a car with a drunk driver? Or would you rather pick them up from a party. This ignorance is bliss thing is bullshit, and parents must learn this. Oh and rain, I do see your point with the condoms behind the counter thing. I know at my walmart, they are on a shelf, so you can pick em up and go to the self checkout, but it does make it worse when you have to specifically ask for them. Though it's probably a loss provension thing, as would be a really "hot" item.
That's the stupidest idea ever. If it's too hard or embarrassing for younger kids to buy them then they just wont bother buying them and have sex without them. They need to be abundant and talked about. If they are easy to come buy and you don't feel insecure when buying them then we will have more people using them, less teen pregnancies, less STD's. What's that go to do with not using a Condom? Firstly it's cleaner to use them and secondly, we get STD's just like you do. Just as worse, though straight people have two things to look out for, pregnancy and STDs. Straight people get AIDs too you know. Not to skip all of what you typed but it is certainly not illegal in Australia, America, England or anywhere else to buy condoms if you're under the age of 18 or 21 or whatever. It does not matter what age you are, you can always buy them. If anyone ever tells you it's illegal for a minor to buy condoms, they are wrong. Simple as that.
The anus is a lot more susceptible to tearing (these tears are so small that you wouldn't notice them), whereas the inside of a ****** only really gets torn during rape.
I just found out buying condoms and the legal age for sex is by state law. And for one, chrst, you can get your hands on almost anything at a public high school. No free condoms at ours. And for two, I know I'm not old enough and the last thing I wanna do is brag about it. I'm only 15.
There has never been an age limit for buying condoms in the United States. Feel free to prove me wrong with legitimate proof. However, stores can have policies which deny minors the acquisition of condoms. Such as, corporations and privately owned companies. Looking forward to your reply.
Difinely should be sold to minors.Yea safe sex and Protection from STD's ,but they do bug when you have them on.But have you thought,Do your parents want to be a Grandma and Grandpa at the age of like 35 or 40?But some people are dumb becuase they dont where condoms and they just whip it out before they you know?But thats how Pregent Teens happen.When they have sex the guy should know that theres a thing called presperm and what that is when there having sex the guy starts to drip a little bit.And that little drip is what gets a girl pregent.But Condoms SHOULD be sold to minors.
This thread is getting dangerously close to opinions and 'oh yeah, well i've had sex. so there'. May potentially be locked if it doesnt return to an actual debate about the topic in the OP.
Ya I kind of agree on that but i am thinking that this will cause trouble, i am not too sure but i think that it would be a good idea to hand them out in like health class or something