Camouflage Created by Rossdawgg [br] Supported Gametypes: Infection Game Types [br] Map Description "An old Spartan training ground has become infected with zombies, you just have to survive. Follow the tunnels and look out for the hives above." This is a small-medium sized infection map on Foundry (Yes, foundry). Took me about 2-3 days off and on, you start and at middle of the map and follow it around to the base on the top, but along the way there are hidden hiding spots that are very helpful. Watch out for the zombie "hives" that are above you, built into the ceiling. Fun map to make and a fun map to play on. [P.S. I'm going to have a Map Image up tomorrow that I'm currently photoshoping/making, it'll show the whole level and where each screenshot is it.] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Hiding spot (Gravlift doesn't spawn at the start of the game, Respawn Rate: 30) [br] _________________________________________________ [br] On side of the top base [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Way to one of the secret bases [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Another base [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Hallway (the picture above is in the room to the right) [br] _________________________________________________ [br] LOL, just break it [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Hiding under some stairs [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Zombie coming out of the hive. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] So I'll probably be getting screenshots soon because these make my map look kinda boring. Thanks for reading and possibly downloading [br] Download CAMOUFLAGE Download ALPHA ZOMBI [br]
This map looks pretty clean and like there's actually some thought in the layout. Surprised there's no other comments here yet. WHY!!!!!???? did you only set it up for infection gametypes, though?
It does look rather fun... So, what about weapons? I see a shotgun and an AR in one of the pictures. Is there any other guns? I like the picture of the zombie coming out of the hive.
No, there's a lot more weapons than just that shotgun. Most of the weapons on the hiding spots have high re-spawn rates so you can just be cheap, you have to try. And why infection only? Well I'm not good with spawn's so I'm not sure if there's any other way to set it up without making Attacker/Defenders settings on them while keeping the humans/zombies spawn in the right spots. Thanks for the feed back though!
wow, looks great man. im go download it great screenshots and great way to post it appealed to me very nicely
Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it so far, and I hope you like it once you play on it. I spent a while trying to make this map clean and smooth with the merging and everything, this map is actuallyy the second version of Camouflage.