I started a thread thinking i could make the round score 1 incineration, but sadly you can only do that in slayer. How could i make the round end by performing a certain action? A Half Life 2 mod i play, Zombie Panic Source, has objectives such as "escape with the helicopter." or "set fire to the graveyard." I love these games, but i cant find a way to integrate it into Halo 3.
mybe just have it so the humans get to a warthog and then from there they fly off a cliff to a safe placce the zombie cant go. but put a time limit so the humans have to strategize a way to get there before being killed or before getting to the safe zone
My map, Cave Freaks, is an infection objective game. Just try to think out of the box, I used the VIP varient.
If you didn't notice, Cave Freaks has objectives you have to reach, and had it's own story line behind it. The only way to get all 10 objective points was to take a hornet, have the VIP in it, and fly through the 10th objective, which was supposed to be their "escape" from the caves. So that's your "escape with the helicopter" idea answered. You can do one-sided objective games and integrate it so the defense has zombie like abilities while the offense does what you want. I believe that VIP, Capture the flag, and assault are the only gametypes that can do that.
Theres many ways, one for an example. VIP. For attackers, you put for the infected. So they should have infected settings. For the humans, there defenders. And if you want one of those infection games that actually have a purpose, VIP you can put a place where your VIP should go, while fighting off zombies. Giving the game infection, alot more fun. I have more methods, if you want, message me.
I would have to agree with everyone above. You should download insane's cave freaks, it will make everything more clear infection is a variant that you can tweak a good deal, but VIP probably is the best to use for what you want if you need any more help send me a friend request on xbl, my gt is jelly533
That's exactly what it does. You could put a VIP Go To Point somewhere on the map, and they have to get to it <== Objective.
Well, mine and chrst's map Help's on the way, right? (link in my sig), incorporates level progression with the infection gametype. Now, there is nothing forcing humans to go from point A to point B, but you do, because of the natural flow to the game. Sure, humans don't have to go forward (sometimes they don't) but in order to live, get better weapons, and face new experiences, they do. We use several methods for it, so just go check it out for ideas, and I am sure you can encorporate something similar into a map such as this.
Use their ammo counter to press them forward. Make them move forward or die. Be sparing with your ammunition, make it a linear path, and have some positions that are only acessible one way. Dropping down from a rooftop, say. Thereby forcing them to progress through the level.