Hi guys im deathsparta69 im a new and upcoming forger..... ive read the rules and all and i hope you guys enjoy some new maps ill be putting out in the next day or two. Ive just recently started working in forge more than i do matchmaking and i hope the public will enjoy the maps ill be putting out. If any one has any advice, suggestions or intrests in playing sometime ill be glad to hear them
yah sorry about the corney "FORGE ROCKS !!!" thing but i figured it would get some posts..... and ive fully read and understand the map posting system.
thats good, hope to see you on sometime, grrrrr, if only my xbox didn't just die :squirrel_sad: my power supply died in the middle of a ranked game...
first off was up im glad to see a new member to forge hub secondly if your a new forger you should see forge hubs forging 101 it has great forging tips
welcome, the first thing i would do is get involved with the community but thats me you can do what you want. ps. hehheh 69