this is great 4 grifball and swat because grifball will be introduced to more people and swat will make a come back because it is so fun.
I was going to post the same thing. I can't wait for ranked Team Swat and ranked Team Snipers though. Still is going to be fun playing grifball and swat social for double EXP.
Looks like it's time to rape some kids that suck at Grifball. There are going to be so many Killionares from this.
This is mah main man. SWAT and Grif Ball are way overrated. for double XP too. So now all the kids who think just because they are good at Grif Ball think they'll be good. "IM PRO AT GRIFBALL" Get bent.
(swat is actually kinda fun) its grifball i'm angry about, they shouldn't give exp for grifball, never mind DOUBLE EXP. really bungie, really.
For all of the people who think that Grifball isn't worthy of EXP (or double), who cares? Its for a couple of days and its only EXP. EXP doesn't mean a thing.
skill doesn't matter, i doesn't take a retard to get lvl 50 in lone wolves. but 5000exp that takes commitment. at least rocket race makes you shoot. you can't say that about grifball.
shooting doesn't count if you can't kill the person your shooting at, at least in grifball there is killing...
Killing alright, killing your teammates with your enemies. I'm not saying it shouldn't have EXP, it just doesn't deserve DOUBLE EXP. I play one game and get the EXP for two? Especially for a game of Grifball? That's just silly.
I probably won't touch the Grifball playlist, all the jerks will ruin the game for me. I am pretty stoked about the SWAT playlist, as long as it isn't drastically different from Halo 2.
The only thing I like about it is you get double XP. I bet the team would suck since there is no coordination.
I've never played Grifball. Honestly, I don't thing Grifball or Rocket Race deserved a playlist. Those are the kind of games you play with friends, not random people in MM. (Hopefully this doesn't start anything...) Then they have the gaul to refuse to give MLG a playlist. An MLG playlist seems to have more demand in MM than Grifball yet they put that in and not MLG gametypes. I think Bungie needs to think more about what they do and do not put in MM. I am exited for SWAT, though.
My experience with it last night was pretty fun. I only played two-matches, but it was alright. The only complaint I have is Teamamtes don't communicate, therefore no strategery.