For the record I do not think this is Matty's best map ever. I still enjoy his previous works more from Epicenter all the way to Steelworks. For me, it just isn't that interesting. It's good layout but very open. I know it has to be open for the ghosts but I would have liked to have seen more cover. This is nothing personnal. It's a good map, but I like what you have done in the past better.
That really isn't necesary. You're just being immature and being a total jerk about your opinion. Get lost, forgehub doesn't need your kind here.
Can this be moved to a different thread in customer service. I think and others would agree that this sort of discussion could be brought up somewhere more appropiate. Once a map is featured, it's featured. If your concern is the prevention of 'corruption' and to stave off 'bias' from permeating into the featured section, then go somewhere where your opinion will be taken into consideration. Right now one side looks like a self-righteous prick and the other looks like a self-righteous prick. Being the way they are and totally off-topic, would you kindly take the discussion somewhere else? I would like to get back to the map now. The Ghost holders are genius.
Agreed Rusty, and well said, apologies for my part. I'll move it to Off-topic (Here) since anyone who wants to continue the discussion will know where the thread is anyway and it shouldn't clog up other forums. As you said, back to the map. The ghost holders are damn cool, but the defining aspect for me is the beautiful use of angles. Aside from the aperture itself and the surrounding boxes, the stair/angled box combo in the 2nd pic is just beautiful IMO. I know this map is more about solid gameplay than aesthetics, but it still has a charm in my eyes.
Well, looking at the map, It is very average. Sure it as something new in it but the overall feel is pretty boring IMO. It's an ok map, but there are plenty of better maps out there. (I do find Bio's posts amusing though ^_^)
Wow you really do not know what you are talking about. If forgehub went againt bungie on making maps for sure forgehub would win. and you did steal maps just give it up, and I guaruntee that you are not 31.. Keep forging matty dont ever stop
This map has amazing gameplay and aestetics and im glad this map got featured. Way to end off your forging career! I love the slanted boxes, the mancannons, and the ghost swings. Heck, i love the whole map. Congratz again Matty!
What do you mean by "it lacked depth"? How exactly did it lack depth? I've played it and didn't think it lacked any depth at all. It offered pretty good gameplay and it kept my party entertained.
Matty is not a noob. How could he be a noob? He got onto the Forgehub staff. That shows he has skill. Agreed Light has skill but Matty has skill beyond which we can comprehend. What about you? Can you do what Maty does? Well used to do before he retired. And this is not just a map. If it got featured that means it highly excelled in certain areas. The main 2 being Asthetics and Gameplay. If it excells in one area and does good in another then it could be worthy of Feature. If this is just "another map" then wouldn't every map be featured? Aperture Exceeds in gameplay and has some good asthetics which is why it was featured. So let me ask you. What do you know about forging? Do you know how to interlock? Do you know how to geomerge? Can you geomerge at angles? Matty can do all of this. He deserved the feature since it was his final map. He probably worked his butt off on this map. What maps have you made bio? Matty has made at least 10. And looking at you posts before the map was featured i have the right to say are the Forgebully. So shut up and start talking when you understand basic forging techniques. Aperature gets 100% on the Jimp scale. Sorry I had to rant and use this scale.