Fitch Forest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by RK The Beast, Jan 8, 2009.


Whats the best part about this map?

  1. The Accent! (Asthetics)

    5 vote(s)
  2. The Design! (Accessable Areas)

    9 vote(s)
  3. The Versatility! (Gameplay)

    2 vote(s)
  1. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fitch Forest
    Map Created by:
    AnF Ryan
    Gametype Created by:
    Shadow Flair7x7

    Fitch Forest is a giant building that has many secrets and hiding spots. Fitch Forest is made for a zombie game called Fitch Zombies. The building incorporates a courtyard and lots of tunnels, caves, basements, secret stair wells, hiding spots, and teleporters.
    Gameplay Overview-
    The gametype has many features to it...
    The Zombies...
    The alpha zombes have a 90% sheild, and the regular zombis have 50% sheilds. They both have a half ammo cover and swords ofcourse. They have regular jumping ability and speed. The Zombies are 25% of the party and they start in the foundry back hallway.
    The Humans...
    The Humans start in the courtyard inside the building with assult riffles. They have normal sheilds that are still supseptable to swords. They have regular running ability and speed.
    The Overview...
    Ok, so because the Zombies start outside the map, so the humans have some time to run, get ready, and hide. There are 2 entrances into the building, inorder to keep the humans from camping. The building has no way out after you enter it. Once a human is killed he goes on the zombies team.
    Here are some pictures with captions!
    Heres is a shot of the outside of the building from the zombie's pont of view.
    This is two shots of the courtyard where the human's start.
    These are two pictures of the second story in the courtyard and the third story only accessable by teleporter.
    Heres a shot of the main stairwell, theres a secret here, shhh...
    This is where the secret takes you!
    These are some secret tunnels and areas, shhh...
    Some well placed pictures of the basement!
    Some other secret areas that you may or may not get to...
    AnF Ryan, and Shadow Flair7x7 action shots!
    Presented by:
  2. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played on this map earlier, and it was seriously one of the funnest infection games ever!! It's quite scary when your hiding from the zombies, and you see them on your radar haha! The interlocking is awsome on this map and the basement was well made. All of you have got to download this map, 5/5 good job Ryan (and me for making the gametype lol)
  3. Velocikiller

    Velocikiller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a very good map. I saw the finished product and even got a tour. I found a secret that nobody else knows. The map is very well done and I would be screaming and trying to find those secret places quickly with the zombies on my tail! All in all a very good map and has it so you cannot just go outside and spawn kill the zombies and the zombies dont end up playing tag outside.​

    AnF PRO Score 4/5​
  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    It's good but not overly original. The whole large house with many hiding spots has been done before. Plus the house has been made larger, like in Darklord Manor. The house is fairly condensed though, so I'm interested if the game actually lasts some time before the round ends. There seems to be a lot of hiding spots, so I assume you used your objects wisely. Honestly, it looks too small. =/ But I may change my mind after I DL and play this.

    Note: I don't promise an indepth review, although I may give one after I play this.
  5. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, this map is by far the largest house map ever, even thought it doesn't look like it from the pictures, once you play it and see everything! Then you will see how large it is. I actualy maked out all the object, to the quota max past the unlimited buget glitch, all this was fuzed into this building. Oh and the round could last up to 12 minutes, that was how far we got so far. There are 3 rounds, oh and also the average game round times are about 7-8 minutes...

    Review plz!
  6. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    im not really into house maps like these but i think for once i will give it a try as it looks quite good. i will download and give a review later

    EDIT: im back with my review : ]

    ok the map indeed has quite a good layout and your interlocking a geo merging skills are quite good too. the only problem in my opinion is while it looks big on the outside i doesnt feel like it on the inside. not much of a problem but whatever. but anyway your overall rating from me is a 4/5 basicly because of the weapons i think you overpowered the humans to much and thats all it could really need improvement on
    #6 Chron, Jan 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2009
  7. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright Thanks for the review, I just wanted to know have you played it with more than 4 ppl yet, if you ever do, give me another review of the gameplay!
  8. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    This map is gnarly. Its awesome. The secret teleporters, hallways, and hiding spots make it really fun. Second to racemaps, hide and go seek maps like this one with a zombie that is not invincible or one shot kill are teh best.

    5/5. Keep making more. and race maps.
  9. TehForger

    TehForger Ancient
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    omfg this map is sweet gj maerging especially the fence wall into the box that looks sweet i know say this alot but you should make a v2 just so ur legacy will continue, im dling 5/5
  10. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    I like the secrets, because I absolutely love maps with secrets. This looks like a good infection map, although it may not be entirely original. Next time if you could throw in some new ideas or switches it might be a tad more interesting! 4/5
  11. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, awsome. I love the stairs. I love the little hiding spots. I love the disegn. Great geo and interlocking too. I'm gonna DL and see how it goes, so far, i givezz 9.5/10.
  12. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    its cool about the inside

    but from the pics- it looks like a house- then an empty foundary canvas...
    for infection games with zombies with low shields- then its too annoying or hard to even get into the building without being shot by people camping.

    S0UL HARVEST3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good. ill dl
  14. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Um, when your inside the house you cant even peek out of the map or even get out. It's literally impossible to escape the map in custom games as a human. Theres two entrances to the map so its quite easy for the zombie to slip in, especially the fact that they have a half camo. Oh, and another thing if your thinking that it looks really small, your wrong :p It's got to be one of the biggest house maps out there :)
  15. piekiller

    piekiller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OMFG one of the best gametypes evar
  16. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks great, kudos. I will definitely download this, plus I love the idea of a big house. Cool that you also fixed the problem of people getting out of maps.
  17. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone for your comments and support!
    Again, once anyone is inside the house, there is no escape route, and the zombies are half-way camo, plus there is 2 entrances, so its pretty easy for the zombies to get in!
  18. Velocikiller

    Velocikiller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have now played on this map and I have fallen in love. This is a great map that gets my heart racing, trying to find a good spot before getting massacred by rabid zombies. There are many ways around this map and it still looks very nice. There are some very small problems that I encountered but none of concern. I will now rate this also based on gameplay

    AnF PRO Score 5/5
  19. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    brill map i would too like to see a v2 with a few switchs to block out certian entrances anyway 5/5

    back ground:
    after the infection started me and a few freinds gathered a few wepons and decided we'll camp out untill its over.
    we've got enough supplies for a few months and wepons to defend ourselve lets just hope...
    oh crap here they are everyone get inside!!!
  20. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yee i know, those zombies get in soo fast and because they are half camo they go crazy and kill people, yah im thinking of some new stuff, but ive got She vs Pod v2 i have to make and im making another race track right now and mabey a v2 of temple of doom!

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