Dude I would definitly want you to make a tut on how to make those cool lines and circles in your sig But ya how come you dont add borders to your sigs? Hmm looks nice though, the background i kind of simple but the render stands out quite well
Those lines and circles are just tech brushes. lol Borders make the tags feel too small or too compact. Without them, I feel like they are more open.
Hmm i need to get me some of those lol. But ya why do you not like borders though. They make sigs look way better, im not saying put them on every sig you make but i guess they make it look bigger but sigs arent all about size
No, I meant it makes them feel too compressed. My sigs are clusterphobic, they have feelings too you know. ( ' . ' )
What. A one-pixel border doesn't do anything to restrict space, but it makes a big difference in the overall look of the signature. Make borders.
There is no reason for any signature, with the exception of a few popout signatures, to not have a border.
I don't use borders. Its a personal preference. So he doesn't make a border? Whoop dee ****ing do. If he doesn't like to, that's his preference. If you do, then good for you, make borders on your own sigs.